
Good list!

I fucking live for this post! In no particular order:

Wow, gruesome but committed to the cause. I commend you.

This guy. I don't even know what to say. How does he do surgery with his eyes half-closed?

Truest and best use of this gif ever. Well done.

I drive by this house all the time and it's as ugly inside as I imagined.

Admittedly I'm not a fan but I think this is one of her worst songs! Different strokes, man.

This looks sort of compelling though I’m quite tired of “here’s a woman and here’s what she means to me.” Yawn.

This is the best comment I've read all day, lol.

I appreciate you giving me the benefit of the doubt but I’m a bit troubled by what I’m inferring from that: do you mean to say that you think it’s problematic any time you see anyone incorporating anything from a culture you don’t believe to be their own? On the post about Indian wedding designs, many non-Indian

Oh, what the fuck? Come on.

It's not okay to say someone who is very thin looks like Skeletor. Really. It isn't.

“The fact that those Lollapalooza goers managed to find functionality in the rice paper hats doesn’t really spark me as *not* culturally appropriative. It isn’t malignant but I can imagine them going for a certain look...shall we say a certain Asian look?”

I cannot wait for this!

Oh, that champagne-coloured Suneet Varma is breathtaking.

I completely agree about the widest possible interpretation being both untenable and impractical. It’s well-meant, but the idea of white progressives scanning a crowd for cultural symbols and then analyzing the features or skin tone of the wearer to determine the authenticity of the wearing’s

Oh, I’m afraid it’s not nearly as interesting as you might hope. I suppose it’s that I’m beginning to find the notion of “appropriation” a bit too murky to be useful. If the use of a cultural symbol is fetishizing, for example, then that use is racist. Whether someone has the “right” to the symbol is subjective.

I think my opinion about this issue is evolving somewhat, but I will say this look is gauche as fuck, regardless.

Me too, when will we learn?

It's antichoice propaganda, you don't need to feel bad about anything unless you fell for it.