
This is antichoice propaganda and you are being had if you think otherwise.

This is so fucking weird. I had no idea.

I guess we’ll just have to disagree, I think our perspectives are pretty far apart. That said, I’m glad you were able to have the baby you wanted.

I think you’re trying to troll but not all periods are the same. Some women barely have any bleeding, some have very heavy, some women have debilitating pain, some have none. So, it depends is the real answer to your question.

I see people telling you you’re an asshole for this but I guess that makes two of us because I agree. Sometimes great things happen, sometimes disappointments happen. That’s life. I don’t see treating 6-8 weeks of pregnancy like a baby, and I don’t see treating a miscarriage at that point like a death.

I think that's implied in her tweet, no?

No, I don't. Does he mean that it's unflattering? It sounds like the dress is ugly but you make it better. I don't understand.

The rest of CCR is not really much to speak of, so I don't know what they'd say. However, you are correct. I've not been speaking much English lately and my brain does funny things when I switch back and forth.

John Fogerty would be so fucking offended you think CC&R sang Sweet Home Alabama.

This is really incredible. Who the fuck are these people?

Cool, so I can keep eating Indian food pretty much all the time.

Many, and the link you provides says that same thing I did. And women who stop the Pill in their 30s are well within a “safe" decade, too—breast cancer is still very unlikely in ones 40s.

A risk that subsides to normal levels within a decade of cessation. No need to make it sound scarier than it is. Most women stop taking the Pill well before breast cancer is a real concern.

I thought the increased breast cancer risk is a temporary one and subsides with time. And the Pill doesn’t directly increase cervical cancer risk, does it? I thought it was the barrier-free sex you might be having because of the Pill is what increased that risk.

Wow, that's a lot of products!

JBJ is WAY better looking. How can you confuse them?!


Right? This article depresses me as much as people who would tell a woman to cover her arms because they jiggle.

I know you know this, but: There are no Confederate states.

Oh, give it up. She looks fine. Someday you might be post-menopausal, too, if you're lucky to live so long.