
No, to me it looks like American self-righteousness and sanctimony wins. And why shouldn’t Europe be “Eurocentric”?

No, not right. All ostentatious displays of faith are impermissible. And Notre Dame is not a person, it is a church. The law applies to people.

As you’ve acknowledged, I can’t see a link you’ve included, but am I right in assuming it’s about the French headscarf ban? If so, all I can say is that it is true that many Europeans, the French especially, prize secularity above an individual’s desire to publicly broadcast his or her faith. I do not object to that.

I’ve thought he was gay for YEARS.

I’ve spent a lot of my adult years outside of the U.S. (My parents are not American either) and I couldn’t agree with what you’ve written more. Only “progressive Americans” (an oxymoron of there ever was one—only Americans would think obsessively policing hairstyles is progressive) get worked up over this sort of

Middle Eastern beauty ideals, I meant. Not, like, Muslim social mandates. And what difference does that make, they aren't Muslim so who cares what's forbidden? Also, yes, I know where Armenia is.

Yeah, I suppose.

I don’t think that’s an accurate claim about the Kardashians, to be honest. If anything I think their aesthetic is very influenced by the Middle East and, regardless, they aren't Anglo.

But she isn’t being harassed because she dares to hunt as a woman, which would be the correct comparison to Gamergate. This isn't sexism or misogyny.

I think this is wonderful, even the Beanie Baby.

Ugh, “females.” The word you want is WOMEN.

Oops, I made the same mistake!

Because of the money—incredible, colossal sums of money—that is spent to keep things as they are. “We” don’t “put up” with anything. It's largely out of our hands.

Absolutely not a cat print.

I think there are cooler things in this world than my husband wanting me to be a “hot model,” but that’s just me.

I don't care for Taylor at all—not her music and not her persona—and even I know you're right. She would never ever be so foolish.

I can’t believe how many comments there are to the effect that it’s somehow offensive or proof of “white America’s” unconcern over black people’s murders at the hands of police to also be upset by this gruesome killing of a lion. Who needs the right to tear the left apart when we fight like this among ourselves?

Lol at tea harvested by virgins. I spend a fortune on tea!

Me too! Neutrogena on my face and neck and décolletage and Coppertone everywhere else. I prefer chemical sunscreens, to be honest. The physical ones sting my face.

I agree, there is something very special snowflake (what’s a red snowflake?) about it. That said, it’s Jessica Alba’s smug face that sort of begs for it.