
Team Coppertone here, because I don’t want to smell like a piña colada, but I agree.

Yes, though that has nothing to do with the ill-advised decision to lessen the amount of zinc in the product. It was simply to make the white cast less pronounced.

I would be PISSED if this happened to me. I live and die by sunscreen and haven’t had a burn in more than 25 years. Seriously, I would be livid. Also, I exlusively use chemical sunscreens. I hate the sun but <3 any and all “toxins.”

I don’t understand this fighting/cage match world. It’s very foreign to me.

Is this a joke? I don't understand.

Jez writers love a bitchy, dismissive headline, don't they? I don't get it.

You are dead wrong. This is a part of normal speech and has been forever. In fact, it is a hallmark of the speech of British upper class men. It only became “annoying” when someone decided if Kim Kardashian does it it must be ridiculous.

Fuck it, I love her. She’s gorgeous and seems to understand and appreciate the humor in the absurdist aspect of her reality/career. If I could get her gig I’d be all over it.

Yes, I know. I was being snarky about the sloppy writing.

I want the author to answer this criticism!

Well, the author did make that snide “gender scholars” crack...

Lol, I haven't eaten for about 10 hours and my brain isn't functioning at maximum capacity and I was just about to get all annoyed with you. Then my brain kicked into gear.

“But fear not: learned gender studies scholars like Anne Hathaway, Emily Blunt, and Kevin Kline are here to tell you that it’s a bad idea.”

I would do a lot for a truly nekkid nekkid scene. I mean a lot. A. Lot. More than you could imagine.

The original story makes it seem like you're dating an eight-year-old. Milk and cookies after sex and his favorite meal is Mac and cheese with hotdogs.

Yeah, I know what she means, I was being snarky about the poor writing.

I completely agree about the body-as-plaything line. Yes, writer, she’s your mother, but she’s another person and you don’t get to play with her skin and “teasing” her about her Spanx is rude, not evidence of your enduring childlike perception.

10/10 lol

“We sat there for 15 minutes, waiting for our skin to soften its grip on our flesh.”

Oh, my mistake!