
Right? Hey, if it’s true it’s fit to publish!

I did!

Strictly Come Dancing, the British inspiration for Dancing With the Stars.

I use a highlighter a lot, cheekbones, nose, chin, but don't do the dark color. I don't wear much makeup otherwise.

This is super silly.

That's all very silly. Terrible people who are members of terrible subreddits have the ability to post anywhere, I suppose, but you don't give up the whole internet because of it, do you? If no one posts hateful things in a normal subreddit, what's the problem with that subreddit? Nothing. And that bit about the

It wasn't 81 last night when that show was taped. And hush, you're just salty that I said Taylor Swift is cheesy.

There are millions of normal people on Reddit doing normal things, talking about medieval history, skin care, jogging, anything you can imagine. Gawker is a competitor to Reddit and only focuses on the very very very bad stuff. That's it.

My dad had bladder cancer twice, probably from smoking, and he hadn't smoked in 20 years at diagnosis. He's doing fine now, 15 years after the first time. Sorry about your mom.

Don’t worry, we still have no water and it’ll be 100 degrees from the end of July until Halloween, then we’ll have brush fires, then El Niño, then mudslides.

It's not hot in LA.

Two things:

Isn't that how you should be at 13? Snide and perpetual eye rolling? Teenagers are supposed to rebel, not want to be this Miss America dork.

I just commented the same. Ben was incredible in that show. Ruined me for other TV for a while.

Ben Mendelsohn really deserves best supporting actor. He was absurdly good in Bloodline.

I appreciate you admitting that Taylor is cheesy as fuck. She really is. I don't think ill of anyone who is into that, really, I don't, but I find it so boring.

It’s illegal to drive while on the phone (without a hands free device) in California. Presumably it would be rather appalling for a driver who had just caused a serious accident due to distraction to be seen tooling around on the the phone immediately thereafter.

Honestly, this sounds awesome.

“Goal-coaching is actually very helpful, unless you’re saying, “Well, I have student loans,” or “I’m going to be homeless because I don’t make enough money to live” and they’re like, “Why do you let that limit you?’”

Ha! Maybe I had fashion forward nuns?