
Lol, me too. I was offended for a split second.

I get confused, too. I thought we were supposed to love them now because they support Caitlyn. But now they're back to being garbage because of cornrows. I think they're fairly vapid, but that's about it. It's not a crime, you know?

Didn't love that either.

I'm an old goth anyway, I don't do beaches. I'm in!

I grew up here, so no honeymoon for me. Let's GoFundMe a long vacation away from California. Somewhere with water.

I wish I loved LA like LDR does. I reeeeeeeaaaaaallly don’t.

I went to that kind of school too and it looks the same to me. Do you think they've got skirts on? They better not be shorter than four fingers above the knee!

Point taken. I don’t think that what she did is comparable to either Ray Rice or OJ’s actions. That's what I should have said.

That’s asinine and you know it. A single fight with a family member a foot taller and with more than a hundred pounds on her does not make her OJ.

I don’t consider what Hope Solo did to be on par with what Ray Rice did. I think my opinion on RR is on par with most Jez readers.

She was incredible!

How on earth does she not deserve it? The incident in her private life doesn't diminish her athletic achievements. She is the best keeper in the world, personal disaster or not.

Seriously? It totally does!

Also, doesn't this legitimately look like Bradley Cooper? Who is allegedly a good looking guy even though I think he's truly horrible and not at all handsome.

That was a long time ago. I think Madonna herself has gotten called out for appropriation in recent years. For wearing a grill, I think.

I swear this is just a weird Jezebel thing.

Co-signed. What is the deal with the mixed messages, too? Apologize and feel like a piece of shit for having money to travel (regardless of how you come by said money, at heart you are really just a disgusting trust fund baby!) but also wave your privilege like a flag and flout laws and customs by smuggling drugs into

What kind of sick world is this if you think the ponytail is not sufficiently flattering to his face?! God help the rest of us.

“In 99 percent of the conversations I’m forced to endure about where people traveled, I literally cannot tell if they enjoyed themselves or not. Perhaps even they are unsure, but find themselves simply recounting the data points of their travel itinerary like some kind of bougie zombie who can’t be bothered to

It seems to me that in trying to be progressive about trans people, the commentariat has really embraced the binary. Like you said, Ruby was awesome when she was a badass lesbian, and Ruby would be awesome if he were a trans dude, but to be in this liminal and fluid space gender-wise, that’s not so easy. In fact, I