
It's the pram the queen used for her children.

I really appreciate how much of this blog amounts to “don’t freak out, use common sense.” Whether it’s bodily fluids in pools, which “toxins” are supposed to be killing us today, or how much to worry about pesticides on produce. Seriously, I'm so much better informed for it. Thanks.

The cigarettes are a genuine concern, actually. The “doing sex” is glorious.

My mom is dying and I hear that same shit all the time. I swear I’ve never felt so close to violence as I do when someone is like, “hey, is she gluten-free?”

Yes, I'll give you permission if you'll give me permission! 26 is gone and lost forever for me, but I'll take 32. For all time. Deal?

I think that's on purpose. Like, I think Scott has said so. What that means I couldn't say!

Every time I see this gif I remember how much I hated that show.

  • Marisa Tomei, who remains ageless due to her strict diet of cantaloupe, melba toast, and the still-gushing blood of Hollywood hopefuls, will play a lesbian billionaire on next season’s Empire.

I bet Rob’s not mad enough to pay his own bills.

I don’t know what it is but I feel like I am getting the most pedantic replies lately. Having the ‘wrong side of town’ in your pocket is a big fucking difference. And if you can’t see the difference between having to find a crooked lab employee to develop your child porn AFTER you managed to find a child and have the

I think they would be very happy together, or as happy as the Dude can be given that he's Hemingway and Faulkner reincarnated.

You didn't. That's explicitly it.

I think it was a hallucination.

Wow, do you think so? I thought it was MFA nightmare writing.

Are you seriously asking? No one thought it was normal to demand 50 nude photos a day and if someone were to have asked for such a thing the photo would have been developed in a photo finishing lab where the employees were required to call the police. There was no opportunity to have your nude photo circulated among

Why are you calling it Whole Check? I've never in my life heard anyone say that. Whole Paycheck, yes.

Two things:

Well, that’s nice but not everyone has a big extended family with a long tradition of weddings as family events. I didn’t grow up going to weddings because they were adult affairs, and I didn’t particularly envision children as part of my own. I don’t think it’s “odd" to have a different lifestyle or experience.

You're not making anyone guess anything by addressing your invite to your intended guests. It's totally explicit.

Hey, I had a child free wedding at 28, that's prime babymaking years for some. Didn't invite kids, no one bitched, all was well. Don't give up.