
I did not have children at my small wedding. It was a very intimate event and we sent formal invites that adhered to traditional invite-rules, ie if your name isn’t on it, you aren’t invited. If anyone was tweaked I never heard about it and I wouldn’t care. Not everything is a kid’s event, big deal.

I think he’s kind of hot in this Ted Kaczinsky phase, but he’s so offensively stupid and self-righteous.

I can acknowledge that this man has a nice face, like, if it were someone else’s, but wow does he do nothing for me. He seems like a little boy.

No, I'll help! It's tough, but Joe can count on me.

  • Kris Jenner is annoyed that people think Caitlyn Jenner is hotter than she is so she’s losing all kinds of weight so that she can be the hot one because she is a child.

Oh god, I think it's so funny! You're right, of course, they look NOTHING alike, not ever, but the idea of someone submitting the photo is so funny I can't breathe just thinking of it.

I love your anger and heartily agree.

I was raised Roman Catholic and this voting on how we want to proceed thing is very foreign to me!

But you also can’t just make yourself beautiful if you aren’t, and you can’t just wish you could spend 8K on a pair of snakeskin boots and make it so. There’s a TON about high fashion that is desirable because it’s rare or unattainable. I just don’t think most Americans are super into or follow high fashion, so I

There is too much hyperbole in there for me to address everything, but I get where you're coming from. That said, aspirational things sell and always will. And I don’t think the suffering wrought by the fashion industry is quite as widespread as you think. I don’t have a complex about not being model height, you know?

Sorry, I don’t think you understand the difference between couture and ready-to-wear. Couture is not intended for the masses, it’s a fantasy, a luxury, and what is being sold is absolute exclusivity. There is no part of it that concerns making ordinary women “look awesome.”

This, a million times.

Lol, I indentify with that. I was recently wearing a pair of black slim cut pants with a tie waistband and a fitted pullover sweater from GAP and people were all like, ooh, ooh. Like, I'm glad you think I look nice but get a fucking grip. I could sleep in this shit.

Sure, but that would also undermine the exclusivity aspect of high fashion, and I think that's really what's for sale.

It’s not that they look “better,” I don't think, it's that a tiny body doesn't distort the cut at all. You know?

For sure, with regular clothes, but high fashion is more like concept design. So the point is literally to show the clothes and nothing else. I mean, that’s why models are super tall, too. It’s not “the norm” to be 5 ft 11, either.

Don’t we know this already? It isn’t “the norm” to be a 0, but at that size the curves/shapes of your body don’t interfere with the lines of the clothes. If your business is clothing design, you want to show off your designs, not the body underneath.

Soccer is so totally ostentatious, I don't get what the big deal is about Sydney.

That's on Gawker, you can't blame Jezebel for it.

Lol, fair enough!