
I just think it's tacky, I can't help it. Did you see the newest photos with the leopard? So bad, imho.

Ignorance and tremendous wealth is the most odious combination.

I find Caitlyn’s real housewife look disconcerting, I'm not going to lie. It's so cheesy.

I’m not a 50 Shades fan but I think it’s bad karma to call other writers’ work “shit.”

Oof, that last one isn't hilarious, it's rude as fuck.

I grew up sort of wealthy but didn't know it, either, and I'm a disaster with money. I can't save very well and find it impossible to stick to a long term plan. To deal with that I stick to a daily budget that's predetermined every pay period and have automatic deposits to my savings accounts twice a month. It's

I don't want Kurt Russell to be my dad, I want to get sexy with him! He's SO HOT still!

Wow, what a charming individual you are.

Word. I love Kanye. And one of the things I love is when he’s really earnest, like he is here. It’s badass.

This is so tedious. She is a brand. Clothes, perfumes, makeup, hair appliances and products, video games, endorsement deals, appearances, TV shows, radio spots, modeling, limited acting spots, plus the general commodification of her social media presence. You think she’s vapid, you don’t like her, I won’t argue, but

I need 30 seconds, like, maximum. Honestly, I know this sounds like a humblebrag, but it's kind of a drag!

Yes, but that happened AFTER. Anyway, I've discussed this to death at this point, so have a nice day.


This realization changed my makeup life about a year ago, or so. Eyebrows and blush are enough to make me look polished.

Lol, agreed.

Yes, whatevs.

Or something to that effect, yes.

I for sure never said its cool to screw in someone else's kitchen and I don't think so, either.

Yes, I acknowledged the sex. The dude is screwing a stranger in his brother’s kitchen despite being asked to stop but the stranger is “that fucking bitch”? The BIL seems 100% more culpable to me.

The newest installment in Jezebel’s ongoing series, “Look at You, Backward India!”