
Oof, that last one. I like how it’s still only “unlikely.”

Yes...I read...the...whole thing. So she’s “that fucking bitch” for being the bride’s cousin and for getting frisky with the guy? Because that’s all she’d done at the time the OP declares her “that fucking bitch.”

I’ll admit it, hovering and pre-bussing annoy me to death. But this guy’s a jackass.


Yeah, I think I agree with that. The art world is sexist, there’s no question about that, but this isn’t necessarily an example of that. I’m not seeing how this lousy guy is getting away with it expressly because of his male privilege, you know?

Yes, I am. Also the super precious text message.

The theft is appalling but I’m really turned off by the “cool art kids” opener to this post. Most everything that comes after is intelligently written and the beginning seems even worse by comparison.

Bless you for this.

I know they just make this shit up, but you’d think an “insider” would notice that Tyga’s kid is a boy.

Man, I think this post just aged me. Thanks a lot, NVC!

She’s Lee’s daughter in law. And she's wonderful. She's a writer and a journalist and, as far as I've heard, sort of joined the cast on a lark.

Don’t care really who you are

Oh, that would be cute! No, not so much!

I slept with the same man at four different weddings over the course of four or so years. The first time I was the Maid of Honor and he was the bride’s youngest brother, the second time he was the Best Man and I was a bridesmaid, the third time I was a ‘maid and he was a guest, and the last time I was a ‘maid and he

I just shouted “Oh my god! Oh my god!” while reading your story.

And why was the bridesmaid “that fucking bitch” again?

Never mind, I get it.

Me too, my bones of all sorts jut out at every weight (obviously moreso the thinner I am) so I’m pretty much the sexiest woman alive. Give me all your quarters and I’ll use ‘em for laundry.

If I'm not mistaken this was simply an issue of whether it was a proper doctor in person to put the pills in your hand, so to speak. It was just to make it difficult on you if there was no doctor in your area.

Oh, I had no idea, that certainly adds a different context to that comment, then. Thanks for saying so.