
No, I don't really have time and I think you're trolling me. Google the term and you'll begin to understand it.

No, he's up to his eyeballs in respectability politics, that's why he's catching heat from a lot of the black community.

And when he asked that Cosby victim why she didn’t just bite Cosby’s dick and run away? I think he has had to repress his black identity as well as his gayness to rise through the ranks, but he's also no deep thinker. A fucking BLACK HOLE, man!

I don’t even think that’s it. I think Don Lemon is just an idiot. He’s dumb as shit and you can see the hamster wheel turning where his brain should be.

Is that seriously Gretchen Carlson? I know Fox only goes for one look when it comes to women, but I swear that looks just like Elisabeth Hasslebeck. If it's not then WTF, clones.

The passive aggressive Tweeting is really the icing on the cake, isn’t it? So professional.

Yeah, I gathered that.

Please. I’ve had strangers think it’s okay to physically pick me up because I’m short. I'm in total agreement with the original poster about the tone of this post and sympathize with those commenting about how hard it is to be perceived as unfeminine due to height, but it's okay to acknowledge issues related to being

I just commented on the JCrew post that all of my style icons are hugely tall, like Emmanuelle Alt and Jenna Lyons. From a shorty: wear your beautiful heels!

All of my style obsessions are 14 feet tall and I'm really beginning to resent my parents for not being taller. How am I supposed to look like this in pants without legs for days?

I agree. The drug trafficking for fun posts are also near and dear to my heart.

Jezebel writers just aren't very nice anymore. Reference almost any post at all.

Yes, other people call them prayers or wishes.

I wish someone would just put this blog out of it's misery.

Isn’t this a bit rich? Every time there’s a Kardashian story on Jezebel, everybody is in a race to declare that they’ve never seen the show and that Kim is a vapid idiot. So, uptight NPR listeners are just like uptight Jez commenters?

I say this as a Kardashian apologist: Kris and Caitlyn: stop counting your money and gazing at yourself in the mirror, respectively. Make sure your still underage child is safe. I know she looks grownup and thinks she’s grownup, but she's not and she needs you.

Right? What was the intended purpose of sharing that little anecdote? When I talk to CEOs we never talk about anything important to you? I only talk to CEOs? CEOs and I never share your concerns about anything? I am totally out of touch, like CEOs I speak to?

Remember when Elliot Rodger made videos in which he was like, “I’m gonna murder women because they won’t do me and I hate them!” and STILL everyone said oh, no, there's no simmering hostility toward women, he was unwell! Privilege is incredible.

Uh, this can't be real. Is this like that phase when you're 19 and you think both parties are exactly the same so you declare yourself an anarchist?