
No! Because they might have come by that growth in the WRONG WAY!

And that's fair, no? Traveling DID change me—I got the fuck over myself. This post is a little funky in places, but I think that's basically all she's saying.

Right? Which is different from a huge LV tote that can be seen from a mile away. Which is all I said and all this throwaway post was about. Obvious branding.

Of course, but they haven't typically worn obviously branded things. It's gauche. Really rich people show off for each other in other ways.

Huh? Of course you can. But that’s also irrelevant. This is about rich people ceasing to purchase luxury items with logos. That doesn’t mean they don’t continue to purchase luxury items. And I pointed out that very wealthy people have always shopped this way. Branding has tended to appeal to newly rich people.

But not everyone can afford luxury brands, so that's totally irrelevant.

I think really rich people, or long time rich people have always thought this.

Thank you for writing this. I’m white but I’m Indian and I often feel like I’ve got nowhere to go with the complexity of my identity. People are like, oh, you’re half Indian? You look white. And I’m like, no, I’m not half anything! I have Indian family on both sides! It gets old.

I hope this marriage was annulled asap.

Co-signed. I wouldn't stay with this man.

But caregivers are under a terrible amount of stress and often feel inclined to swallow it because they don’t want to make it about them. I feel like I should say that there are resources and support groups for you, caregivers. Everyone in that position feels

We aren’t the same people who started this journey. We’ve been through some shit. We’re 35 now - a tougher, somehow more relaxed 35 than I think we would have been had he not had cancer.

But what this brilliant quote doesn’t tell you is that when you fall ill, the people who love you are forced to use their passports, too. We may feel like expats in a country not our own, but we’re there.

Oh, FFS, Los Angeles is not in the desert! You can say otherwise 100000000000 times and will never be true.

Is that her husband in the top photo? Did he perceive her as black?

Still love it? Seriously, what are you supposed to do, hate it now because of the casting director?

Also, what is the deal with the huge photo of Kate Upton’s boobs at the bottom of this page? Why?

Isn’t she from LA? Also, isn’t “pop culture feminism” all that this blog is about? Pet issues and approved narratives? No discussion or dissent allowed?

Hey, I'm 34, too! Maybe there are more of us than it seems from reading Jez. Let's hope.