
I feel like jezebel can not be objective on porn because they have made their views really clear.

And the talented one in the Smiths was Johnny Maaaarrrrr.

It’s true. I once posted something like that on Jezebel and got mansplained to by some college professor who thinks he's a better feminist than I am. It’s nonsense. I’ll keep reading about jogging and skincare on Reddit.

I’m a novice runner and I’ve found as I become fitter that I actually do enjoy running up until a certain point in my workout (when I get too hot/tired/throw up psychological hurdles). The longer I keep at it that point comes later and later in the run. I'm excited to see if it might sometimes go away entirely.

I think he looks like he wants to eat her. I think it’s sort of hot, tbh. He is SO into her.

I love her. I also don't understand why I can't get out of the greys when there's such garbage bullshit posted by approved commenters.

Oops! I meant X not Y! Kinja won’t let me fix it.

I'll be 35 shortly before the end of the year and I feel the same way. I don't identify as a Millennial at all! I thought if you were born between, say, 1980 and 1984 you were the tail end of Gen Y.

I really hate when Jezebel is bitchy in this particular way. It's such blatant mean girl-ing.

Yes, I’m sure you’re right. It’s super embarrassing and diminishes her career. I guess maybe the same thing would have happened to John Updike or somebody, if they’d had social media. Yikes, maybe we should all quit social media.

That's horrendous. Your photo is beyond charming, though.

I'll cop to it, it's totally true. My preference was the coffee cake.

That is outrageous!

Mine wasn’t good at all!!! It was planned well in advance at the verrrrrrrrry fancy restaurant in SF that hosted our reception and was supposed to be almond buttercream on raspberry-filled saffron cake (I’m Indian-ish, if this sounds weird) and it was, but it was super bland. I was pretty disappointed. I'm thought to

I just snorted diet coke because of you.

I think that’s very brave of him and hearing the shame he internalized is heartbreaking. I think the Duggar stuff was nothing, just a brush off.

She still is, and this rubs me the wrong way, even as a joke. Even if she's sort of batty she doesn't need to be cut off from society or managed with a court order. I'm sure I'm overreacting but it touched a nerve.

Yeah, now maybe we'll be treated to a follow up on this post filed to Go Fuck Yourselves again!

TBH, I don't think it was a slight. In my city, you want certain kinds of tattoos, that's where you go.

No. He copied the tattoo on the face and put it on the white leg in the photo.