
I thought the first comment was referring to cultural relativism and objecting to it. I wasn’t agreeing with it, either, but I thought you were taking the “letting” out of context, and still do. Agree to disagree, I guess.

Letting something be means to leave it alone.

I totally agree. The less real skin you see the fee you look.

LOL Yes, I think so!

These are the best colors I've seen in this series so far. Personal tastes (mine and the volunteers) aside, these looks are super flattering on all three women.

This isn't Franzen-level sex nightmare writing, not even close, but it's still weird. Why can't men write about sex?

It's not just her, a few of the new writers are that way. It's juvenile.


If nothing else it's just so spectacularly naive and American. How is an adult this stupid?

This is the weirdest goddamned phenomenon.

The EWG’s list is arbitrary and unhelpful.

The EWG’s list is arbitrary and unhelpful.

No lie, I like to look 70s cocaine chic.

Replying to your edit here. I agree with you, I think privacy is part of what’s at stake, but abortion’s constitutional underpinnings are solely rooted in privacy. That’s the problem, right? Same sex marriage has never been framed that way, as far as I know. For all of the public handwringing about “one man, one

Kelly, I enjoy your stories SO much!

Yes, I think so. And I'll say that I don’t think privacy necessarily implies those things, but in the case of abortion that’s what is intended. Griswold set up contraception and, in turn, abortion to be a secret thing. Like, fundamentally. So the underpinnings of abortion rights are vulnerable as you’ve said. And that

Well, equality doesn’t imply you’re hiding a shameful thing, or should be, for one. I don’t see that as “backfiring” so much as integral to the argument. Abortion is a privacy issue because it’s “about” women and sex. Gay white men have made marriage equality a civil rights issue, which is inherently public.

I’m also pretty compelled by men and women being at the height of their prescribed sex roles. Watching an aggressive male defile a supine female reminds me I essentially have the erotic psyche of a Victorian.

Gawker can't decide if they love or hate anything. Except Taylor Swift.

Bless you for writing that out instead of just declaring it “bullshit” like I did.