
I thought we all knew that the EWG is utter bullshit and its methodology is also bullshit.

Over my dead rotting body. High rise forever and always.

I was totally like, “Where is there a Melbourne, America...OH!” I had no idea this show existed.

I saw the cover with the nursing dog at Target today and snorted thinking of this comment! Lol

FWIW, these episodes and the Diane Sawyer interview were taped before the crash. If you meant that it was weird that the subject went unmentioned.

It’s not that his campaign isn’t going to “go anywhere,” he's running to pull Hillary further left. That's the point.

I guess we didn’t watch the same show because Kris specifically said that this situation isn’t about her and both she and Khloe said repeatedly that they support Bruce and want him to be happy in the future. Kris and Bruce discussed how they will still be a part of each other’s lives and ended their conversation with

I get that. But I understand how they might grieve the relationship they used to have with their stepdad/dad/husband. I don’t think that’s unfair of them and I don’t think that’s being unsupportive, either. And I guess I object to the idea that because the transition is “about” Bruce (I say that because of the loads

I’ve been with my now husband almost 18 years and we don’t discuss that either. Not that, like, we pathologically avoid it, but it isn’t relevant and we’re happy, so who cares.

Could not agree more.

Yes, but that's the point, isn't it? Bruce has had 65 years to come to grips with it. It's much newer to everyone else.

I think that’s pretty unfairly critical of Khloe. She’s widely known to have taken her father’s death the hardest of all the kids, and I think she’s grieving the loss of her “other” dad now.

Nope. Neither yet. He calls his female identity “her,” and I think that's what Kim is doing here.

Is this convention so cowboy-heavy because it’s in Texas, or are western romances really dominating the genre?

I adore Anne Rice and I say that as a reader and a writer. Fuck that!

Because! Addiction is a choice and a moral failing! Everyone knows that! You know what’s not a moral failing? Starving those in poverty and denying rape survivors abortions. Now you know!

I don't know that it's a a big city thing as I live in one and go to a salon that sounds like yours. And I'm going to keep going.

Ugh, this. Ten thousand times.

Me too, I never really noticed her looks one way or the other until around Eat Pray Love and then she just became radiant. I like her blonder, though.

I adore gothic horror and am excited for this! Also, “there are parts of the house that are unsafe” is my new go-to when vacuuming! Can’t vacuum in there, or in there, or in there, sorry!