
Me too. I’m genuinely friendly with my nail tech. I know about her family, including her siblings and elderly parents. I know about her life in Vietnam, seen pictures of her wedding, and about the vacations she takes. She knows about my life, too. I live in LA and pay quite a bit more for my services than people seem

This girl is gorgeous. I don’t care. Also, I hate the “Kris Jenner is the WORST parent!” bullshit. These girls have two parents, you know.

Bruce? I know he gets a total pass for being an absent and generally poor father, but it's not like he's opposed to surgery (transition aside, I'm not talking about that).

Also, you misread the quote. She says “it” not “I.” Guess you see what you want to see?

I totally agree with you. But on Jez, the consensus seems to be that Bruce is a hero and Kris is evil, and she’s the one who is responsible for every parenting failure involving her children. She is also responsible, it seems, for Bruce's parenting failures. Also, she's a money hungry narcissist but Bruce is authentic

This is so mean. How is she supposed to not have her own feelings about his transition? I would feel the same way.

My wedding was similar: no shower, no bachelor/bachelorette, and no attendants at all. I'm also an only child, fwiw.

I had no bridesmaids.

Oh is THAT why that happens?

Gorgeous! And Joe Kwon does funny things to me. So handsome!

I’m super over Rihanna and do not care for this look.

Well, sure, you’d be foolish to think that it’s true of literally every Frenchwoman. And, really, when those stories say “French women” they mean white Parisiennes. But, still, isn’t the Mall Makovers thing on this blog based on the idea that there is a particular look typical of a given place? I don’t think the look

How/why is it “problematic” for you? It's absolutely consistent with my experience in France.

This is seriously poor info: yes, the faults in and around LA are capable of major quakes, but there is NO credible consensus about the timing of said quakes. Lucy Jones is always shooting people down when they start up with that “overdue” bullshit.

This was filmed in my neighborhood and, frankly, this kind of juvenile bullshit and unstable personalities is everything I hate about living here. I can't imagine who thinks this is great. Not to mention the stereotypes and misogyny.

I find Bethenny Frankel so astoundingly irritating. I have a handful of celebs that bug me, like most people do, I think, but my dislike of them pales in comparison to Bethenny.

I’m crying laughing at these. I call him dad sometimes lol!

I just snorted tea up my nose. Major LOL.

I’m just discovering this blog, so I’m reading backwards through the posts. This is GREAT. I’m stoked to keep reading.

Thanks for this, I'm enjoying it!