
How is saying yes, there are assholes but I use Reddit and don’t interact with assholes extrapolating my experience as indicative of the general experience? I was criticizing the generalization of Reddit as 4chan with a college degree or whatever. Seriously, you should reread this thread, I think you're confused.

From reading the comments it seems that most of us have a few different kinds of stories to tell. I’m not sure that mine all exactly fit the prompt, but here they are anyway:

Oh, fuck. I just hunched over in humiliation reading that. I'm sorry that happened to you.

But which subreddits are inherently “indicative of the majority of Reddit’s readership,” and how can that be substantiated?

I’m so sorry and I share your rage.

People told my mom to go gluten free for her MND. I cannot put my rage into words.

I think this is super understandable. But you didn’t put a picture of it on the Internet, which is my only objection to this lady’s business.

I don’t understand this perspective. I know there are assholes on Reddit (as there are on Gawker), but I read the French language subreddit as well as one about jogging, both of which seem to be populated by normal people, and so I don’t understand the generalizing.

As I said elsewhere, it's flippant and patronizing.

Right, but it's India that's all fucked up about rape, not the USA.

For what it’s worth, I don’t think the “ball out” comment is sarcastic so much as it is flippant and patronizing.

Like the West has, yeah?

We are five sisters. I first learnt to drive an auto rickshaw and then drove a van for a college, before driving a bus.”

Thank you

Me too. :(

This doesn’t make sense. Births or pregnancies?

No need! Butt kicking!

Really? I think this is a specific subset of wealthy people. I can't imagine wealthy people in LA or NYC dressing like this. It looks like baby clothes.

Oh boo. :(

Wow! I guess so! I’m 34 and this stuff and Portishead and NIN is ripped straight from my years of teenaged angst. I hope it’s because you were a happy teen, lol.