
You're totally right but I really LOLed at this.

I think she is brave and wonderful. I'm so impressed by her strength and honesty.

Jolie called it by the correct name in her op-ed.

I'll read it on the train tonight! Thanks!

Those batman things just look like jammies.

Easily! Co-pays, insurance premiums, blood tests, speculums, paper gowns, hospital smell...I could go on forever.

Are you totally convinced? I really think he's innocent! WTF do I know, but I think so!

wtf, Kinja? I just starred your comment and the count went from 15 to 1. Half of my comments aren't even appearing at all.

Me too! Though I also found this track a little boring, so I guess I don't know what I want.

the older I get the more sensitive I become to all things mom and daughter. I feel you.

Reposting 'cuz I think I got Kinja'd.

Wow, I'm for sure too old for this! Oof.

I usually have a giggle over crazy Rick, but I'm with him—on the abuser and Deanna's fantasy civilization. And I know Deanna's rattled from listening to her son's running mix but come on! You asked these people to come in and make your town stronger and then, when they aren't easy to integrate specifically because of

It's shocking how many people really imagine that the things they say online have no connection to the real world. This guy isn't apologizing by saying, "Wow, I called a girl child a slut, WTF is wrong with me?!" he's saying, "One tweet! So much damage to my reputation! How can this be?" It's incredible.

All of the older catholic women I know were/are hippies. I think the young people are the conservatives, because they have no life experience.

1 ABD, 1 MA, no kids, one cat, $40K in loans, two bedroom apartment and a leased car that is like a ball and chain around my ankle. My psyche isn't nearly as damaged as Kylie's though, so there's that.

I know what you mean but he seems knowledgeable about services snd working conditions and just how to not be an asshole, so I thought I'd give it a go. And I assume he gets hair cuts, at least.

This isn't a restaurant question but I have a feeling you'll know anyway: what's a good, respectable tip at a salon? The Internet says it's still 20%, and that's always what I do, but it feels cheap when it's the lady who does my pedicure because she's cutting my fucking toenails, you know? I do 20% when I get my hair

Read the rest of the thread. I said the things I cancel on tend to be group events. I also said that I would mend my ways as I feel badly about it.

I tend to do it with group events, for what it's worth, so my attendence isn't a make or break issue, but I feel embarrassed now! I will try to mend my ways.