
Do you really feel that way when someone cancels on you? I'm guilty of doing that and might try to change my ways if it's that offensive. Say no from the get go, at least.

Choosing between having a baby and doctors is the WORST. I want to have/see neither one, not ever. I chose doctors because of Retin A.

We are soul twins. I was outraged that it wasn't 100% for canceling plans.

Oh, Jesus, that's insufferable.

That's too bad. I've always liked her.

Is that really true? I'm under the impression that people who've worked with her absolutely adore her.

That's exactly what I thought! Candid shot during a baptism?

I've never seen this before and I am delighted.

I hear that. I don't have kids and don't want them but I work for myself at home and don't make much money. My husband never treats things I want to do as frivolous because he's not a dick, but I feel acutely aware that he earns "our" money.

I find myself doing either one from topic to topic, so basically my votes mean nothing. I'm afraid I'm not understanding this, really.

Interesting. Thanks for sharing that!

Can I please get out of the greys so I can play on MWM? Please?

This is EXACTLY what I think, down to the transitioning to a new single life bit.

He skipped out on his older daughter, too, so it's not a boy thing. It was a "I'm having too much fun to be a parent" thing.

I think she said it AND it's still not true that he's transitioning. I firmly believe it's a storyline and will continue to believe it until Bruce says otherwise.

Co-signed X 1000000

Is the sex robot movie cool-looking? Maybe I'm looking at it wrong because it looks SO embarrassing to me. Yikes.

She looks very much like that Barbie head without a body for hairstyling fun from the 80s. Actually, her makeup looks like my mom's friends in the 80s.

This is delightfully insane! I'm drinking my CLEAR TEA right now!

WAY too many eye rolls. Ugh. I was annoyed for the rest of the night after watching it. I don't see what's so funny about it, like, yeah, not everybody can do everything. But there's no reason at all that everyone who is able to meet the requirements to take this portion of the test shouldn't be able to attempt it. if