
YES. Drives me nuts.

My mistake: I didn't realize you were totally disconnected from reality.

You're mistaken about the documentary. Frankly, you don't seem to know much about India.

Thank you for posting this again and again. It needs to be!

This is one of the most poorly reasoned comments I've ever read on Jez. Cut off aid to poor women and children because you don't think their government has "solved" rape culture.

This doesn't seem logical to me. Like, are we waiting for the U.S. Government to stamp out rape, too? I mean, in my dreams, sure. But not literally.

#seetherealme As long as you're totally beautiful!

I absolutely loathe this sentiment. Kanye writes a song you don't like, and it's Kim's fault for damaging his talent. It's so sexist. Like, are you pissed at Yoko for "breaking up" the Beatles?

I am!

Sorry, JT, I mean it!

I think they'll make it.

Totally. It's, like, the number one way to look like you have a mustache when you don't really.

I mean the tune and the delivery. It sounds like a nursery rhyme or a song for babies.

This woman is so beautiful she almost hurts to look at. That said, this song is awful. The chorus is awful awful.

Oh, I wouldn't claim to know how it's used anywhere but Southern California, which was the refrence point here.

Agreed. It's been a long time since that was widely used in a negative way, as far as I know. I've never encountered it used negatively in my lifetime.

Once, she said, she asked Rhimes a follow-up question. "I never got any response."

Damn, good list, lady!

I work at home and sort of drink all day. I feel like this is a thing no one admits to anymore, but I do it. Beer, man. It's cold and refreshing, you know?

Aww, this touched me. Happy Friday to you.