
In my experience there isn't a lot of overlap between fraternity/sorority folks and feminists, but fair enough. I wasn't being rude.

That sounds super fun, actually, and I'm not at all into the traditional party concept.

I didn't have one either. I'm surprised to see it mentioned here, and I don't mean that as shade—I thought bachelor/bachelorette parties were sort of what Greek system types did. Guess I was mistaken.

Good luck, Gaga. And may your season be not nearly as boring as the last two.

Mine too!

It seems like Jez runs a lot of stories about porn.

I just went through and systematically liked all of your comments on this topic. The freak out over this child's clothes is bullshit. She can wear black every day of her life and still be a girl. I wear black every day of my life and no one has ever asked me if I'm a man.

Damn, what's this guy got against leather jackets? Also, she was a babe before.

Co-signed x 100000000000000

Oh, fuck! I'm so sorry! I hope you heal quickly.

That's awful. I'm sorry!


Hahahaha. The toast is amazing.

This is a very minor story but I never have any reason to share and this seems like an opportunity so here goes:

Ugh, let's not do the "eat a sandwich" thing. She and Kelly were super offensive in their comments, but we all suspect Guiliana has an eating disorder.

Well done on your rental car driving prowess? Chula Vista isn't at the county line. Chula Vista is almost in Mexico.

Restaurant employees are saints.

I so completely agree with you. It feels like a miracle sometimes. I hope they're able to get home again.

I get that Californians and traffic/routes is a thing people find funny (I do, too—The Californians always made me giggle), but this actually doesn't make any sense. It's like when the NYT calls one of LA's subway lines "new" and it's almost 20 years old. It's just laziness and I find it irksome. Besides, if you saw
