
Oof, I'm already love-hate with Scandal. I'm not sure my affections can survive this.

Sounds fun. I'll check it out.

I'm feeling down about how super unexcited I am about this S-K record. Totally not into it. Also, and I have the feeling this is probably unfathomable to someone, I have no idea who these cartoons characters are.

So, I walk a lot in a major city. Can you guess where this is going?

Headphones don't work. Twice in as many weeks I've had men TAP ME ON THE SHOULDER to share their thoughts about my body/what we could do with our bodies together. Granted, I live in a miserable place but, still, headphones don't work anymore.

This is a joke, right? About Taylor Swift being "negligent," I mean.

Got it. Dad is cool, dad's friends are into free jazz and music theory.

My mind is blown!

Your dad's friends like Pavement? Your dad's friends are cooler than my dad's friends.

I stopped wearing much makeup (I used to do contouring and everything) after an eye opening trip abroad. I conceal redness on my chin and aside my nose, fill in my eyebrows, and powder for shine. I think I look good and really like that I always look the same. I recognize myself as the same face I see in the mirror

When my health anxiety was at an all-time high due to family illness and my bonkers brain, I was obsessed with sulfates and the legions of "natural mom" blogs devoted to sulfates and their evils was a perilous black hole I fell into. I'm so glad not to be there anymore.

It lacks the oomph of the original, I think. It's a decent effort, but the original is really so badass. Tough!


My mom is disabled and I absolutely can believe this. People are fucking idiots.

This isn't relevant to the topic here and I've ready comented on this post, but I was just hassled rather badly on my walk home by a man with at least 100 pounds on me and I'm really rattled. I'll get over it, but needed to get it out.

Though my taste runs more toward French Goth as an adult than these looks, I approve. And I love Health Goth because it allowed me to get black and red tennis shoes so, thanks for that, HG.

Duly noted.

No joke, I think it was "ruined" in 2009. Sorry for your belated disappointment, though.

That's well known to be a hoax, isn't it?

Gorgeous. I love him and her and them together.