Soooo we’re the Jersey Shore of planets? Or are we more like the Trump Campaign of planets? Either way...not exactly flattering.
Soooo we’re the Jersey Shore of planets? Or are we more like the Trump Campaign of planets? Either way...not exactly flattering.
At this point you’ve got to wonder if aliens studied us & our culture from afar and just went “NOPE!”
Dick Tips
I think you’re right but I’m reluctant to use the term “female privilege” since the reason the sentence is so light is because of patriarchical ideas about women’s sexual agency. So the paradox is, female sex offenders benefit from those ideas because specifically because they’re not privileged.
Dontcha just love when a woman tells you how much she hates and “just doesn’t get along with” other women? And if you mention, hey newsflash we are women, they make up some kind of exceptionalist bullshit. “Oh well YOU are different/You don’t cause drama/You aren’t crazy/ WE aren’t idiots like other women.” On the one…
This is a very important comment.
Your comment should be at the top.
Yes, you actually can change them. My very left wing mother and aunt called my other aunt and her Southern Baptist pastor husband on their racist, sexist, old fashioned crap...and years later Southern Baptist uncle said “When you think about it they made a lot of sense.”
‘Women Correcting Grammar And Spelling Because There Is A Generation Of Men Who Don’t Know How’
The fact that he is wasting valuable oxygen?
By “that guy” do you mean “that guy who is not fully aware of the meaning of the word analogue but feels a need to correct women writers anyway”? Because that is what guy you are! The analogy is the comparison between the two things; the analogue is the thing (Moore’s issues with her daughter’s dress) which is being…
Analogue means something that is similar to something else - something that is analogous to something else. So I don’t think they actually meant analogy.
I think the important thing to consider is this: when you finish a conversation or night out with these friends, how do you feel? Do you think the evening was fun and the conversation was interesting, even if you didn’t agree with everything being said? Or do you walk away with a bad feeling about them and maybe about…
First of all, this is a great piece! Secondly, I think a good way to deal with women saying sexist things is to remind them that those attitudes negatively affect them too. Not ad hominem attacks, but things like, “You think fixing cars is for men? Don’t you think people might say the same thing about your interest in…
This isn’t a perfect analogue* to your question
So, a bunch of people are commenting with “I think this was dementia,” and I feel it’s incumbent upon me to note that at no point anywhere in this story does it mention that Livsey suffers from dementia. Not everyone in their 80’s does—nor does any part of this story actually sound like dementia to me. It just sounds…
Tried to punch and kick a police officer? That guy should thank his lucky 4 stars he’s not a young black man.
You leave your partner at the hotel with the dog and get takeout. You get takeout and eat in the car. These are very simple solutions.
It’s had to be running in every car I’ve even been in, so I think they are claiming they left their car running the whole time they were in the restaurant. Which,... yeah, right..