

I am Mexican. I for random reasons have documents. But I have many relatives and friends who are EXACTLY like me in every possible measure but have no documents. I do not consider myself any different from an undocumented Mexican but I can and will vote and I will make sure that me and my kids NEVER forget this. For

Seriously. The Onion is the new Prophecies of Nostradamus.

“What’s wrong with slavery?”

“What’s wrong with slavery?” This is the hottest of hot takes. I hope he loses his passport while travelling in some abominable third world dictatorship.

Oh. My. God.

I had to read the title of this article so many times before it made sense to me. Anyone else?

And those of us who traded in the tampons can put a new twist on the old 2 Girls 1 (diva) Cup video.

Donald Ducking? Why are you forcing me to figure out what this is, I am so anxious

Wearing a shirt but no pants or underwear. Like Donald Duck.

I am currently burning thru ultras w/ overflow every two hours. Cramping & clotting - o joy! I am stressed - got notification of layoff Friday (BTW - what is worse than immediate layoff? Being the walking dead for 2 months while your coworkers hope they keep you & you begin to hope they don’t). Not even my BFF would

My bleeding vagina just recoiled at the thought of someone pulling at my tampon string unexpectedly

There is no way this doesn’t fulfill about a million different Rule 34 scenarios.

Honest question- can you have TOO much Party Pat in your life?

D’oh, that’ll teach me not to scroll down before posting gifs!

That pic looks awesome!

Uhhh- Adventure Time has already informed me of the party bear issue.