Sometimes I’m a giant dick. Once while camping and drinking a friend asked for some of my 151, I said sure, you can have as much as you like in one swig.
Sometimes I’m a giant dick. Once while camping and drinking a friend asked for some of my 151, I said sure, you can have as much as you like in one swig.
Who remembers that Parks and Rec episode where Ron makes Ben drink Lagavulin for the first time? That’s me every single time I try to drink scotch.
Just remember that when you see that bag on the bar, they probably *don’t* have it on tap...
And stoners. I knew so many people growing up (adults and youths) who kept their stash in a Crown Royal bag.
Speaking of demographic, it just occured to me why so many nerds drink crown royal.
I wonder what the age range of the users of that app is, likely has an impact on the result.
If it doesn’t have a delivery option, I don’t see its purpose.
I went to a Peanuts exhibit at a museum and saw the old strips for the first time — I was like, “Wait. This is pretty good!” Having grown up reading the strip in the 90s, I just lumped it in with Family Circus as a kind of lame, repetitive, but inoffensive comic. They really should have just starting re-running the…
That little bastard named a whole Trope:
Oh yeah and he didn’t mention Morrow even once!
Don’t do anything “WONG”. I’ll show myself out...
Starring Toilet Snake.
Sometimes, it’s about the journey.
Happy Friday, Patricia, don't let the morons get you down.
Oh god I forgot about the scene, that was fucking insane even for G Gundam.
Considering DQ 4, 5, 6, 8 and 9 have been localized, it’s not that unlikely to happen. Only outlier here is 7 and the MMORPG.
It's what I love about Skyrim and other TES games. You just go for a wander, read some books and talk to people. I feel like the world is alive, like stuff happens whether it affects my character or not you know. People squabble, work, move town, and hang out. Great tales have been told and history has turned to myth…
This isn't historically accurate. Everyone isn't covered in shit.