
It’s easy to say “what’s the big deal” when talking about Game & Watch fire attack in the abstract, but its operating in several real world contexts, including centuries of genocide, oppression, and ongoing discrimination against indigenous people. For just as long, stereotypes have been used to denigrate and deny

One day Bethesda might make an entirely new engine from scratch instead of applying bandaids to their 20 year old engine.

Fold, don’t wad. You can get away with two squares this way with halfway decent TP.

Do a thought experiment: change the rape accusation to embezzlement, and see how “dangerous” it seems to you then for a victim to write this letter to the legislature.

Doubting the veracity of the accuser leads to leaving victims of assault unprotected against further assault. We can give the accused the benefit of the doubt in the eyes of the law and still take precautions as if the accusations are true. They are not mutually exclusive.

You remind me of a situation many years ago, when I was in college. I had invited a girl up for the weekend (a friend of my cousin’s) who I had a crush on. We went to a party, she had WAY too much to drink (me too) and then we got pretty amorous back at the apartment.

Heck, if you go back even further, Much Ado About Nothing and Taming of the Shrew could both be classified as romcoms.

I wonder if anyone would notice that I’m a Bronte fan who’s never read Austen... I’ll be the other Jane... Eyre Undercover.


There are 2 parts of me talking as I read this:

Cops can be women, actually.

OMG you guys. Can farts really be sucked out of asses? Because I’ve had a real monster stuck in there ever since I ate that burrito earlier. Can I call the police about this? Can Chris Brown help me with? Please Internet, illuminate this.

Right? I’m wearing headphones SO I DON’T HAVE TO TALK TO PEOPLE.

The short memory of the internet, despite the eternal memory of the internet still amazes me.

I’ll say it

According to the comments, Dayton revoked his admission. Hopefully other universities do the same if he applies.

I have PCOS and, thus, higher androgen levels than the average woman.

I think Dowling hit the nail on the head when he brought up the fact that the crew at Hello Games appears to be pretty amateurish when it comes to PR; it’s one thing to make lofty promises when securing funding and submitting planning documents for a project to backers—but those promises have to be grounded in some

There’s so much wrong with XIII as far as execution but, personally, it had all of the right ingredients for an actually good FF game. Strong character and story development were actually there and a lot of good could’ve come from it. It was just very poorly executed. The Hope/Lightning story for example could’ve been

He’s right. The company is taking a huge risk to reinvigorate the series. They have to though, because what was happening before wasn’t working. Maybe a little, but more change is needed.. There’s so much competition out there nowadays