If I understand correctly, an otaku is simply someone with an obsessive hobby. There are otaku who are fans of trains, doll otaku, military otaku, etc. It’s just that the type you hear of most often in the west is the anime/manga type.
If I understand correctly, an otaku is simply someone with an obsessive hobby. There are otaku who are fans of trains, doll otaku, military otaku, etc. It’s just that the type you hear of most often in the west is the anime/manga type.
What’s the diameter? Can I insert this?
You’re not my real mom, Jezebel—you can’t tell me what to do!
The immediate outrage from our family was shocking.
Too true. Being an adult is often fucking boring. However, there’s no amount of money you could pay me to go back through childhood and adolescence again. Seriously.
I always make a valkyrie/celtic goth-metal chick for these games (i.e., she’s built like fucking Stonehenge), and the body type limitations on this one made me go “Wow. This looks nothing like her.”
you have to be extremely precise on your timing instead of relying on what sounds and “feels” right
I have mixed feelings about it. Not defending the writers on this one.
Hm. That all seems plausible. I really want a detailed explanation from Whedon about how he views the matter. I wonder so many things about it.
Everything about this is just the best, especially “But didn’t you want to orgy?”
I just wonder if he took points from Gryffindor.
and when he took his pants off, his penis was a flute.
I JUST remembered this.
I feel like an asshole for laughing at this, but..Jesus Christ.
The in-canon answer seems to be that vampires cannot get fat. They are sustained on blood, but they can eat food. Their organs don’t work, so the food just sort of dissipates into their system, so they don’t absorb it. In one of the comics, Angel is human again for a few months, and he winds up gaining a little weight.
I only like Angel as a friend.
Yeah, Anthony helped coach him on his accent.
We all know Ghastly is the sexiest Pokemon.
Oh, duh. Sorry. Personally, I’ll take all the Spike I can get. I own a bunch of the comics too. >__>