
Just to be clear “I liked Riley” doesn’t mean “I had the hots for Riley,” I just thought he was a pretty good character.

It was also supposed to end after season 5, but as long as there’s money to be made...

I think how genre-savvy Supernatural is is one of its greatest strengths.

I stopped watching it when Izzy survived totally-hella-terminal brain cancer and George got killed by a stupid bus. My suspension of disbelief only goes so far.

I like Criminal Minds, but I haven’t seen it in a long time. Spencer Reid is my favorite character, and I’d probably keep watching it just to see him say nerdy shit.

I LOVE Supernatural, and even I was recently like “How the fuck are there 11 seasons of this show?” I’m just amazed people are still watching. I’ll keep on going no matter how terrible it does or doesn’t get because Dean = <3

I liked Fred. And there’s an episode in season 5 with Fred that is completely heartbreaking and gives us some amazing scenes with Wesley.

At first I was like, “wtf?” about that ep, but as it went along, I came around to it. In the Spike comics, some other demons try to pull the same crap with that kids’ show and guess who also ends up a puppet? Totes adorable.

That speech Spike makes to Buffy about what an amazing person she is makes me cry every time.

Also nothing on Angel was worse than that squicky Cordelia-Connor-Jasmine fubar.

Well, he died at the end of season 2 of Buffy. They brought him back in season 3, and it wasn’t til the beginning of season 4 of Buffy that Angel was started as a series. He left Buffy at the end of season 3 because he didn’t want to be the thing in the darkness that kept her from having a semi-normal life (kids and

Angel made me fall in love with Wesley so hard. He’s the anti-hero of my dreams (after Spike). <3

Thank you. Angel in the early seasons of Buffy was a pretty flat character. I think spinning off the Angel series really gave him a lot of growth.

Season 3 of Angel is when they start developing that.

Their feelings develop during season 3.

I think Whedon’s idea of what a vampire without its soul was like sort of evolved over the course of the show. I think of it as like, the quirks and personality of the person/vampire are the same, but the complete lack of morality colors what they do and how they act. If you’ve ever seen Supernatural, when Sam loses

I hated pretty much all of season 4 of Angel (except for the first few episodes that were Wesley-heavy).

I actually really liked season 5. One of the reasons why some of those later seasons were bizarre was because after season 3, they kept thinking it would be the last one; actually seasons 1, 3, and 5 were all done with them thinking it might be their last.

***spoilers for those who haven’t seen Angel***

I liked Riley. I think he could have been a good match for Buffy if she didn’t have so many issues. He kept her grounded, but he could still deal with all of the crazy supernatural crap around her. I feel like Buffy pushing him away is what caused their split. Not that he’s totally blameless, but I think he’s reviled