Good lord. That sounds like snoozeville.
I’m ashamed that it took my brain a full minute to come up with “dust bunny.”
watch this week’s episodes of “Arrow” and “Supernatural” that were pre-empted due to stupid sports.
I love costumes but don’t really enjoy parties because making small talk to friends-of-friends-thrice-removed is so tedious to me.
A Batman-related costume I thought of this year was Batman on his day off. Cowl plus grimy shirt and boxers. Maybe with a beer.
But bf and I already have our costumes, so... /shrug
Also, don’t wear a sexy costume if you don’t like attention. That happened to me last year. I was dressed as a character that happened to be sexy. Sexy was not the intention. Got so many comments, and one girl actually came up and start dance-grinding butt-to-butt with me. O_O
This and drinking is the only reason I attend Halloween parties. I like to cosplay and it’s like my only opportunity. Last year I dressed as Black Canary and only one person knew who the fuck I was. One person thought I was Lady Gaga.
These are the same idiots (read: racists) who are all terrified of the idea of Sharia Law. What the fuck do you think prayer in school is? A slippery slope to imposing your religion on others. I’m sure there are conservative politicians that would be perfectly happy with us shifting toward a theocracy, as long as it’s…
This. Religion of any kind does not belong in public institutions. Separation of church and state, people. The whole point of “freedom of religion” is that you don’t feel pressure to follow the majority and you are free to practice your own. That falls apart when people are allowed to steamroll others in the name of…
Oh, the Lost Levels. I do remember that. Cool, thanks.
My bestie was having gruesome headaches, Tourette’s-like symptoms and other bizzare shit happening to him. It turned out, after a ton of tests, that he had been overproducing spinal fluid and it was making his brain swell into his skull. Intracranial pressure is nothing to fuck with.
So, since ours was Doki Doki Panic with different sprites, what was the Japanese SMB2? Is that the one that came out for Gameboy titled “Super Mario Land”? Or was it released here at all?
Cool. I really like Adam Scott.
This needs more stars. People don’t realize that, although they don’t call it trepanning anymore, burr holes and shunts are totally a thing in modern medicine. Sometimes you just gotta drill a hole in someone’s head.
I think it’s because Americans have come to view prison and execution as righteous punishment rather than a means to keep lawbreakers from hurting society—which is moronic, because besides the whole “criminals are human beings too” aspect of it, studies prove that countries that focus on rehabilitation for their…
This, in a nutshell, is my biggest problem with Hillary. Over the years, she’s shown herself to be pretty duplicitous, even in her voting record. On some level, I know you have to play a tip-toeing game to be a successful politician, but she seems way too comfortable with it.
What is this gif from?