Mamunia 2.0

I’m so happy we have SNS this week because I wanted to thank all the SNS contributors who helped encourage me to get married in a hurry. I guess it was four weeks ago that I posted saying that my boyfriend of 10 years and I were thinking of finally getting married while my father, who is declining rapidly from late

Aw yesss - one of the best, mostly female-led medieval fantasy YA series out there, with TONS of material to chose from (the original Lioness Quartet is probably the most logical first choice to adapt, but any of the other series would work awesome too). Can definately see it as a headliner for any of the top cable or

The fact that High Queen Margo isn’t at the top of this list is a travesty.

I actually think Rumple was more the fashionista on OUAT, especially if you take Mr Gold’s wardrobe into account.  He should probably win the best dressed male witch award anyway.

Sorry. Any photo that depicts smoking as cool, is a sh*tty photo. 

“They don’t really want us to use it, but it’s OK if you do ... You know, I rent it for a day.”

I’d venture to say that it’s *not* a good thing when your bf/gf proposes and it’s a “shock.” It doesn’t speak of being on the same page/in the same place in the relationship. (Also, she’s too good for him.)

That makes no sense. Why would the One-Eyed Snake be using binoculars?

I’m a terrible person so I’d probably work on a way to mount an ice water super-soaker to a drone and then sit at the window with my binoculars, remote control and kazoo for playing “Flight of the Valkyries”.

And you didn’t carry flashlights or headlamps why? Ah, I see, it would ruin the story.

So we can rule out a velociraptor ghost?

I admit I am the resident cynic but that hotel room video is beneath my scorn. To take it even half way seriously you would have to trust that the voices on the tape are staff and not just average pranksters. You would have to believe that someone walks into a room with that kind of screaming unarmed. You would have

So my husband tells the story of this family he knew in highschool. The husband started cheating on the wife, got syphilis and gave it to his wife. He treated himself but never told her and by the time he finally fessed the fuck up- after years and years of health problems that they couldn’t track down- her brain was


Maybe at first there was the slightest pause - us old people tend to do that - but after that I think he was having fun and is just very deadpan.

Many paraplegics are lying.

“Hey, did you come across a disabled woman out there?”

I think Charmin Sandiego is a better name than The Mad Pooper.

Maybe on the West coast, hippie! Here in the maritimes we have a little thing called ‘respect’.

I grew up watching Sarah Polley in Ramona Quimby and Road To Avonlea and Canadian films, and by weird chance I keep running into her when I go on walks and run errands. I’ve eaten lunch or dinner or had a coffee sitting at the table next to her at least 7 times. Sometimes she talks to her companion about the project