Mamunia 2.0

Honestly, this is also why I get angry when people suggest that the way to deal with incels is to send them to sex workers. Sex workers are human beings performing a service; we shouldn’t condone having misogynists anywhere near them. Can you imagine if men did this to other service workers too? Would you take your

We need to revise our bio terror laws, because she needs to be in prison for a very, very, very long time.

On behalf of all french people: Fuck you with a rusty rake.

As someone who is immunocompromised, may I just say: I hope she gets an infected ingrown taint hair that doesn’t heal right for at least a month. 

and all while wearing a simple little paper mask.  I’d think that would take a full face shield with some super filters.  God its sickening.

Not only did I watch it all, but did so while eating chili and corn chips.

ya gotta feel for the young production intern that has to watch all the contenders as subjects for this show and also feel for the lowly cam & audio crew that film this shit but get no where near the money as the Docs that perform it. That crew has to be in the room, resetting lights and cam shots and get to capture


Yup, every time people complain about the idea of universal healthcare and how “socialized medicine will mean you will have to wait months to see a doctor” exactly is that different from our current situation?!? You’ll have the same wait. But the bills won’t bankrupt you.

I don’t want to lower the drinking or smoking/vaping ages if they are shown to be successful in achieving positive public health outcomes but it breaks my brain to try to rationalize age limits on anything that are higher than the age where one can vote and volunteer/be obliged to serve in the military (not to mention

18 and 19 year olds are teens. But the reason the 21 rule is so helpful is that there are plenty of 18 y.o. who are still in high school and therefore can supply or share with younger friends. It’s not impossible for a 15 or 16 y.o. to find someone over 21 to buy for them, but it’s not gonna be a classmate and many

ABC explains why: 

We want to be shocked, surprised, thrown off-guard, have things recontextualized, and be challenged as fans when we sit down in the theater, but the problem with both JJ and Rian’s takes on the material is that they’re so dissimilar that they don’t feel like integral parts of a larger connected story. JJ so wholly

Can we all agree that the pretzel shaped cookies are the best? And the ones without the sugar crystals are the worst?  I would use those sugarless ones for the cookie butter

You’re missing the key word - “racist”. How many of those are “racist” stereotypes? The only even vaguely “racist” white stereotype I can come up with is maybe portraying all Irish people as workshy, romantic drunks. For it to be racist, it must necessarily have an element of seriously harmful and negative

Well of course not. When you’re Olivia Coleman, the sexiest human being, what’s some skinny scotsman going to do for you?

Donna never sexualized him, to her he was just a skinny nothing

the only difference is that cancelling your sub to one service and subbing to another takes roughly 3 minutes.

When D+ hits here, I’m just gonna cancel netflix for a couple month to watch all the cool stuff they have, and then go back to netflix when I’m done.

It’s not the best possible way, but it’s damn better than

Perhaps a very Grimm retelling of the Pinocchio faerie tale, with the nanny as a very dark Blue Fairy.