Browsing Craigslist one time for furniture, someone was advertising a Chester Drawers for sale. WTF are Chester drawers? Oh. Chest OF drawers.
Browsing Craigslist one time for furniture, someone was advertising a Chester Drawers for sale. WTF are Chester drawers? Oh. Chest OF drawers.
The Tito’s/Tanqueray thing reminds me of this time back in my mid-20s when I went to this party my then-roommate’s friends were throwing. I didn’t really know the people at this party, but there was free booze, so whatever. I’m making random small talk with this dude who, it became quickly apparent, was a total…
Peppercorn guy really buried the lede there. An 1815 Canadian fur trade themed wedding? Photos or it didn’t happen.
“But I am le tired!” We are all tired. ;) Tired and “sooooooo busy!”
You should have rushed to the back, grabbed an epipen and stabbed her in the thigh. :)
That would be a fair point if the OP had started off correcting the waiter; but the waiter struck first here. And if the place is “high-end,” as indicated, then its ignorance moves from understandable to less so, and the waiter’s “correction” from inane to aggressively idiotic.
When I lived in CA, I worked in a kitchen in close proximity to the public. One day, I overheard someone say to his dining companion, “You know, we’re really much more knowledgable about food here in California because we’re so diverse and love all kinds of food. I mean, we have flavors that people in the Midwest…
A yuppie and his date came into the bar. It was obviously early in the relationship and he was obviously showing her how urbane he was.
FUUUUUUUUUCK people. Also, it’s COMPLETELY okay for a restaurant to say “there is no guarantee that there will be no cross contamination, but we will do our best. If your allergy is deadly, we don’t recommend ordering anything here.” THAT’S TOTALLY COOL. THIS IS COMING FROM SOMEONE WHO JUST PASSED THE BAR. AND WILL…
Well, it sounds like you gave them an in-depth and quite comprehensive review of their service.
If your body has an actual demonstrable reaction to them, it might as well be an allergy, even if it’s not technically the correct term. I mean, you should probably specify “I won’t go into anaphylaxis or anything, but the reaction will be really bad if I eat them.”
Lesson (hopefully) learned. Jeez, people. Just do eeet!
While I agree with your overall point, I think there is a distinction between “not liking” and “allergy” as far as the kitchen is concerned. I always take any special diet requests very seriously. If someone “doesn’t like tomatoes” that means not putting tomato ingredients in their food. If they’re “allergic to…
I love mangoes. My stomach does not love mangoes. A restaurant once failed to honor my “seriously, no mango in this please” request and I ended up projectile vomiting all over everything, in full view of a ton of potential customers.
But in that case the thing you’re referring to is being dipped is the bucket, not the water. The bucket is dipped into the water, the water is lifted out by dipping the bucket in. Saying you dip your hand or a scoop into the ice cream case is correct, ‘cause your hand/scoop is the object you’re placing the dipping…
The people insisting “dipped” is at all self-explanatory and the rest of us are morons for not knowing this bizarro regionalism are making me want to set something on fire.
Yeah, I’m from California and I have never in my life heard of someone “dipping” ice cream —except when they dip an already “scooped” cone into chocolate sauce or something. I had to google to know what a hand-dipped shake it, and here we would probably just say it’s hand-made.
Its not a stupid question at all... how the hell do you dip a shake? In what way is that different than a normal shake preparation? What the hell is going on???
you mean hand-scooped?!
What is a hand dipped shake though