
My general take on pretty much every question regarding expanding voting rights is “sure, why not?” The percentage of adult citizens of the US that actually vote is embarrassingly small, especially for non-presidential elections. I would imagine that’d be just as true inside the prison as it is outside, and thus not

Just another thing to shove in the face of those ramble about “supporting the troops” and then vote against them.

So it turns out that one of the many groups who got hit with Trump’s tax hike were military families who lost husbands or wives in combat, because of how the benefits are structured. Many of them saw their tax bill skyrocket this year because of a change in the law on taxation of children:

Trump's first two tweets about Twitter being discriminatory toward conservatives affirms, yet again, that Republicans are the biggest snowflakes of them all.

I graduated high school in 2002. One of my best friends was top of the class and very intelligent. He decided not to go to college right away because he would be paying his own way and decided not to go until he saved up and knew what he wanted to do. He got an unfair amount of grief from teachers and family because

“Sometimes this could mean years of taking the drug.” No! No! No! I hope that doesn’t become a common practice -or if it does I hope they educate their patients about probiotics. I have a congenital kidney defect which means I get UTIs and kidney infections at least a couple times a year, ever since I was a child. My

you’d think they’d like it because not having to pay student loans and having cheap childcare would get their Millennial kids to finally pop out some grandkids so Boomers would have something to do other than watch Fox News and bitch about how the world doesn’t think they’re cool anymore.

I was about to say “This plan gives you Boomer dicks grandkids, you should all be on board.”

The ONE time I forgot to pee after sex, I got a horrendous UTI and suffered for nearly two weeks because I didn’t want to get antibiotics if it was going to go away on its own (it would not go away on its own). My boyfriend laughs every single time I break the post-coital glow by shouting ‘I GOTTA PEE’ and leaving

“...and peeing after sex.” 

Calling degrees “worthless” just because they don’t necessarily translate to a high-income position post-college is so, so idiotic. 

It is completely bananas how much we pay for college. I went to community college for the first 2 years of undergrad in the late 90's/early aughts and thankfully that cost me less about $1,000 a semester. I could barely afford that. I had to work full time to pay tuition and rent but I lived in a relatively low cost

1993 was the last year an undergraduate could pay a year of tuition through a summer time minimum wage job.

“i have a worthless liberal arts degree and this minimum wage barista job means i can’t afford to pay it back” feels like someone who never took their obligation seriously to begin with - they did not plan for how to pay it back.

The cost of college is untenable. I know at the University of MN a huge chunk of the budget goes to cover the also untenable health insurance costs of current and pensioned employees, which is another point in favor of single-payer healthcare.

What a shitty take. 

People who couch it as “free stuff” are peak disingenuous and intellectually lazy. 

The baby boomers before us went to college for a FRACTION of what it costs now - my parents boast of community college courses either being free, OR CLASSES TOTALING $15 a semester. Compare that to the 20K it costs for a 4 year degree at a state school (that’s the cost if you live at home - god forbid you need money

No, like 24 — like old, and I was like, “Oh my goodness, this is not good.”

but it makes me a bit sad to hear Britney try to rationalize the episode