This is what liberals fail to understand. It’s what Obama failed to understand. They don’t want ‘bipartisanship’, they don’t believe a functioning society should have a left and a right to keep things balanced. They don’t even care about democracy if democracy isn’t producing the results they want. To them this is a…
I’ve never had green bean casserole. But I feel like I’m not really missing anything.
I’m more upset about her fake freckles! I hated my freckles growing up and did everything possible to get rid of them —but I love them now. I do not love seeing all these fake ones on models however. Or I should be flattered?? I’m confused.
Without Universal Health Care, the United States is doomed to third world status. Let it be the foundation of a greatly improved progressive nation.
Was his home vandalized with bombs?
You know the real problem with voter apathy?
This is a very strange rant.
Fuck off. I was one of the people who lost my job after PP was defunded and had to seek employment in another Midwestern state so I could stay within driving distance of my disabled parents. Maybe take a deep breath and contemplate what it means to be a decent human being before you make attacks on internet strangers.
The entire point of the “pro-life” movement is to punish women for having sex, and many non-abortion women’s health services do the opposite. Once Roe is invalidated, they’ll start working just as furiously (and self-righteously) to ban birth control.
Just seems like it takes decades to make progress on an issue, then the GOP is able to destroy all that progress in one fell swoop, almost overnight.
To be fair it does feel like decades.
When you measure honesty by something other than the dictionary definition, he's pretty honest!!!
He told us who he was in the primaries. He cast aspersions on the lack of physical beauty of his female political opponents and that of opponents’ spouses. Nobody thought he would actually stop if he got the position... did they?
The President. Of the United States. Publicly and with no remorse, called a woman “horseface”.
The problem that the Proud Boys clearly display is that we can’t call this a generational problem and wait for Trump and the olds to die. The fragile identity of teenage and early 20s men, unmoored as it is from other social controls feels like we’re going to have fertile recruitment for the radicalization of men…
Soros is the only real male bogeyman, and that’s pretty naked antisemitism.
I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again:
Long before Trump was even conceived, men were like this. Men will continue to be like this after Trump is long gone. The men in my life, who claim to hate Trump, act like this in varying degrees.
The President. Of the United States. Publicly and with no remorse, called a woman “horseface”.