
I think that lying about having procedures done is a very common and fucked up trend. Bella Hadid comes to mind - she vehemently denies ever having had plastic surgery/botox/fillers, yet she CLEARLY has. I think Hailey Beiber is in a similar (slightly less obvious) camp. It just seems really obvious that these people

I was born in ‘73 and this book was MY FAVORITE when I was little.

No, not at all.

I expect you to have a long-winded bad take on literally any topic, so thanks for being predictable.

Remember how much of the left/center-left treated Monica Lewinsky in the late 90's? And how everyone rallied to defend the creep who was absolutely in the wrong just because he was also the victim of right-wing smears?

Seriously, “look what she said about Putin, she must be lying” is almost like something I would see from a parody of some #Resistance boomer weirdo.

Yeah, and the timing arguments are bizarre. Like there aren’t tons of unique reasons why each of them came forward with their story differently. You could just as easily say Ford’s accusation “Came out of nowhere! Decades later!” to play it off, or that Reade “Came out in a measured way initially, and then was

You could play a very depressing “Who said it: Republicans about Christine Blasey Ford or liberals about Tara Reade?” game right now.

Whole lotta “sometimes women lie about rape to get what they want” up in these threads right now. 

Reading the comments is pretty sad. Not every sexual assault victim has a spotless past and a tearful, ready-for-Lifetime story. Maybe that lady who was a bitch to you at work is also a victim, and it doesn’t make it any less bad. Maybe the guy you always see holding weird libertarian signs was molested. It’s still

A lot of Jezebels are being outed as being not nearly as supportive of women as they’ve been going on and on about. It’s amazing how quickly and vociferously these Jezebel feminists become anti-women when it’s “their guy”. We all knew that’s the way it was with many on Jezebel, but this scenario made the reality very


Like Dr. Ford should have come forward before the Supreme Court nomination? Sometimes that's the way it works. You just want to live like it didn't happen until the stakes get too high and you feel like you have to step up.

Which would be easier to discuss if so many of them weren’t deleting their old Kavanaugh tweets en masse...

Should these accusations be treated in a measured way? Yes.

Whatever it takes to convince yourself, I guess.

Or maybe the Dems will come to their senses before nominating a senile rapist to get crushed in a landslide by Trump.

I dunno. It seems newsworthy when a woman, on the record, under her own name, comes out and publicly makes an accusation of sexual assault agains the presumptive Democratic nominee, and it seems possible to responsibly present those accusations with all of the relevant caveats if the original source didn’t take

This bitch made me so hungry every time I read that book. The spaghetti just looked really satisfying. 

Now I want some spaghetti! And I’m stuck with my “healthy” lunch of peanut butter sandwich, carrots, and almonds! I did make too much spaghetti and meatballs on Sunday though, per ti Strega Nonna!