I am so sorry for your loss. Here is a really sweet video about a mini pony named Pumpkin who was born not being able to walk, and how they helped her run again! Seeing her run is the cutest thing ever.
I am so sorry for your loss. Here is a really sweet video about a mini pony named Pumpkin who was born not being able to walk, and how they helped her run again! Seeing her run is the cutest thing ever.
“‘I write to ask forgiveness again,’” Cardinal Dolan said
Yeah I love Siggi’s! I’m honestly offended by that remark!
“How accountable are we for high school actions, when this is clearly a disputable high school action?”
Emma Roberts sucks. She came into the restaurant I was working at a few years ago, and she was so unpleasant. Everything about her just oozed condescension. It was one of my greatest pleasures playing it off like I had no idea who she was; The people she was with (her agents or handlers or something) mentioned how…
Completely agree. I can’t imagine what it does to your ego to get hundreds of thousands of likes and comments when you tweet “Just had cereal with milk for the first time”, or post an Instagram of your feet with the caption “Good morning”. The psychology of that is honestly fascinating to me.
Because I asked if I could share his bed after a party. We were all drunk, and all the other beds and couches had been claimed. This was before the days of Lyft/Uber, and we were in a town over an hour away from my own. I genuinely just wanted a place to sleep. I completely froze when he did what he did. I never felt…
If you look at my discussions history you can find it – There was a lot of good insight from all the commenters! A soft no is how I’d describe where we’re at too. But then my SIL sends us adorable videos of my nieces and I start to question everything, haha.
Stockholm/Copenhagen/Reykjavik sounds like an amazing trip! And thanks for the tips on Stockholm – The wine bar sounds lovely and that ABBA museum sounds awesome, haha! That’s good to hear too that they are accommodating with food restrictions; The friends we often travel with have some restrictions so that always…
Aw thanks, I’ll definitely keep y’all posted! :) My feelings seem to change constantly so I’m sure I’ll be coming back to future SNS’s to talk about it, haha. One thing I do know for sure is we are planning to get a dog soon (hopefully January-ish), so I’ll post pictures here the second that happens! I am definitely no…
That’s awesome! Were you mainly in Stockholm and Copenhagen? This seems like a great time of year to go – How was the weather? And yeah I’ve heard the Scandinavian countries are super expensive; I’ll definitely be saving up as much as I can before I head over there! My friend went to Norway a few years ago and said…
Argentina is on my list, I’ve heard it’s incredible!
Just wanted to say thank you to everyone who responded to my SNS post last week about how you decided if you want kids or not. I didn’t get a chance to respond to everyone but it was really helpful to read through all your different experiences and perspectives. It’s nice to know there are other people out there who…
LOL so quick to anger! All over a little nuance.
Because I acknowledge that societal beauty standards are more nuanced than “it’s all the fault of women and the gays!”....?
When women dress ‘hot’ they attract that kind of attention. That’s biology.
Internalized misogyny is part of the patriarchy. Also, I see a lot of men pulling this excuse quite a bit (“We don’t uphold those standards!”), but if you look at comments on any of the K family’s Instagrams – or that of their influencer clones – there are a TON of men who vocalize their approval on a daily basis.…
Glad to hear you’re happy with your decision! And definitely a good point about the Hallmark portrayal of parenting; Social media seems to amplify this effect too. Yeah, I definitely need to sit down and make a comprehensive list. I think about this a lot, but right now it’s just a lot of thoughts jumbled in my head.…
Definitely has helped! :) It’s good to know there are plenty of people out there who can relate to these mixed feelings.
Definitely understand about the quality of life aspects. Having kids is difficult enough as it is. And I totally relate to what you said: “I enjoy spending time with the little ones in my life. I also enjoy leaving the little ones behind with their parents.”