
If I had the money that Louis CK has made from oh, I don’t ONE of his standup specials? I’d be set for life without ever having to work again. I don’t feel sorry for celebrities who have money trouble unless it’s like a TLC-esque exploitation sitaution. I especially don’t feel sorry for this shitstain.

The ruling class has no interest in teaching the disadvantaged how they are ripping them off.

They aren’t teenagers...what are you typing?

They’re 24 and 25

Who could have thought this would happen? I mean other than every single person who heard about this relationship, even in passing.

I’m shocked. This is my shocked face.


This could be straight out of The Shining, where all the hedge animals start stalking Danny when he isn’t looking!

Best story. Most real. What a lovely Amma. Hugs to you.

My other post was embarrassing and real-life, so I separated the one that’s emotional and possibly-supernatural.

I tried submitting this last year, and because I was super late- it got lost in the greys and maybe 6 people saw it. So here it is again, with updates as many things have changed since I last wrote this story.

This happened at the end of last year, and very firmly solidified why we got rid of our ex-housemate.

My wife read that story about the little hole in the wall to me, and now we have resolved that when our daughter moves out on her home, we are going to buy her the biggest dog available. We are going to find a dog that could eat a Volkswagen and it is going to be her roommate. 

This goes back to sometime around my high school years. I was sleeping in my old wooden framed twin bed at home. It was the middle of the night and I rolled over. Next thing I knew an arm was laying across me. I quickly woke up and grabbed it by the wrist with my right hand. I held the wrist at just about a full arm’s

I used to live in a super haunted house in New Orleans. I was so, so, so excited to move into this gorgeous mansion, but it turned out to be a nightmare.

First night, I heard heavy, leaden footsteps come to my front door (it was in a hallway) and then stop. I was terrified and thought someone was trying to break in.

I was just involved in a weeks-long war of attrition with a giant Spider Bro. He kept turning up in the creepiest places and worst times, but the final straw was when I was washing my face, look up in the mirror, and like a god damn horror movie he was on the door right fucking behind me. Got the vacuum and ended him

My story is more curious & unsettling than it is truly frightening.

I’ve posted this before, under an old burner, but figured I can post again to lighten things up.

So bear with me with the set up, it’s important. My best friend’s father was a funeral director, as was his father and his grandfather. They’ve run the same funeral home for like 100 years. The building itself is comprised of the “old” part, built in the early 1900s and the “new” part, an addition in the 1970s. The

I’ve only got the one, so I suppose I’ll tell it again: