
You must have missed the part that said “NON-VIABLE PREGNANCY.” You should also read the article from the woman who had to terminate her very much wanted pregnancy because it wasn’t viable. Women are not stupid. No one decides at 32 weeks to just get an abortion.

I am so tired of this narrative that having an abortion is somehow detrimental to our physical and mental health. NO MOTHERFUCKERS! HAVING A FUCKING BABY HAS MORE OF AN IMPACT!

To any progressive dudes who just sort of tune out anything related to our Roe concerns because it just doesn’t affect you: shame on you.

How ’bout the real-world effects on her when your ruling ends up forcing her past 20 weeks and she can’t legally obtain a medical procedure which -up until then- would’ve been perfectly legal?

“I tried to recognize the real-world effects on her,”

Surely she’d get adequate nutrition and pre-natal care in a for-profit detention center!

“I said consider the circumstances. She’s a 17-year-old, by herself, in a foreign country. In a facility where she’s detained. And she has no one to talk to. And she’s pregnant. Now that is a difficult situation.”

It’s amazing how even when surrounded by Republican politicians, this guy manages to be the most unctuous, oily motherfucker in the room. It’s like somebody took a dead weasel and reanimated it with SuperPAC money and black white magic.

Kavanaugh may or may not vote to flat out strike down Roe, but I guarantee you he will happily allow laws to chip away at it until it’s law in name only. I hope Susan Collins is happy with that stance on the Roe she keeps talking about supporting.

I’ve spent the better part of my life dealing with eating disorders and I relate to sooo much of Jameela Jamil’s experience. Wish I could have heard her message when I was a kid/teen — I’ve spent most of my life in treatment and therapy to untwist my thinking and I’m still working at it. One thing I really appreciate

The reason it’s important, and not disingenuous, for her to raise her voice on this is she does hold a certain kind of privilege as a thin person. Just like white people need to use their white privilege to draw attention to racial disparities. Just like wealthy people need to use their wealth to draw attention to

She is a breath of fresh air in a world inundated by the likes of the K-fam and their obsession with how tiny their waistlines are...

Look, I was already in love with Jameela Jamil. If you keep telling me all the ways she is incredible that I didn’t already know about then I’ll have nothing left to surprise me when she finally comes to take me away from all this. Just leave us a little something for ourselves, hm?

Jamil is right. The factory rebuilt K-people - and what they’re marketing to impressionable girls everywhere - are like Number 12 Looks Just Like You. What the K-people are selling (not just the appetite suppressants and corsets) is a dangerous and extreme product: conformity at any cost.

The same people who would not allow Obama to fulfill his presidential duty and nominate a Justice after Scalia passed, are now trying to force through a nominee while withholding documents. Their whole argument for obstructing Merrick Garland was that there wasn’t enough time *eyeroll. Now they are rushing this

Watching the Republicans kiss his ass has been heave-inducing. Beto O’Rourke should simply buy some TV airtime and run Ted Cruz’s statement with fact checking all over it. One example: claiming the 100,000 pages of evidence of Kavanaugh’s work in the Bush White House shouldn’t be introduced - ignoring that George W.

That’s my whole thing. Kneeling in and of itself is a sign of respect. It’s actually more laborious and humble than throwing a hand over your heart, so technically the players love the flag more than you racist idiots, I guess.

“I know I am a better person than this

...the posts were not meant to be public—they were “the result of an ongoing family dispute.

I have no idea what that has to do with the comment you replied to, but yes, I feel that the gif in question deserved far greater infamy than it has achieved thus far.