
Yes. Sadly they are 6 and 17 so it’s too late :) 

Sleep, privacy, kid issues are all so outweighed by the love you’ll give and receive. You’ll will realize you’ve never known a love so strong & deep & amazing as when you have a child come to you for hugs & kisses & comfort. 

I was sure I wasn’t having kids. I lived like I wasn’t having kids. I was frightened and anxious to even consider myself ever being a parent.

it used to be something i felt like i definitely wanted, and then i decided i definitely did not want it, and now i feel pretty whatever about both sides. i think i could be happy whichever way it turns out, and a lot would have to do with my future partner. if i met someone that absolutely 100% wanted kids, i could

You’re going to miss out on something either way— either basking in the extreme emotions of parenthood (highs are higher, but lows are lower) or enjoying the freedom to sleep until noon on a Sunday and fuck on the kitchen table whenever you damn well please.

My advice is the opposite of most people’s: I think people who are undecided should actually go ahead and have a kid. You’ll definitely have moments when you think “Why the hell did I do this?” but I think the it’s much more likely that you’d truly regret not having done it when you’re older. I know several people in

I never thought I wanted kids, didn’t see it at all. I am bi polar and have health issues so I didn’t want to pass those on. Plus I was the youngest in my family and wasn’t around a lot of children and when I was younger I’d rather hang out with much older kids or adults. I didn’t know even how to talk to kids when I

I adore my nieces and nephews, and I am capable of being an intensely-awesome aunt ... for an hour, tops. Treasure hunt with ornate map and tricksy clues and a real treasure chest filled with pennies and treats along the way? Tea party with gold-trimmed invites and real china and elegant petit fours? “Spa night” with

I did not want kids in my 20s. Then I met my now husband and I realized that I totally saw myself having kids with him and I liked the idea. We had kids. I am very happy about that. In my very particular case I realized that part of was driving my no-kids decision was fear. My mom was a single mom of 4 and it was so

Yeah, I was. Mostly bc I thought I couldn’t (really, I shouldn’t have due to medical issues). We prioritized education, career, and getting a house, and then traveling a bit, so by the time we came around to it we were in our 30s. We had also raised some of my nieces and nephews for years here and there (family

I used to think THE ONLY THING I WANTED in life was a husband and a baby. Then I had a husband for awhile, who kind of kept telling me we would have a baby but he was never “ready” (when we divorced he told me it was because he wasn’t “sure I would be a good mom,” so that was cool) and now I’m 30 and single and could

In addition to what everyone else has said, also consider the fact that you’re solely responsible for creating the children with your body (aside from your husband’s... initial contribution), feeling like shit for potentially all 10 (yes, 10) months, potential post-partum issues, emotional changes, every issue from

I never wanted kids. Got pregnant, had baby, love kid more than my own life. BUT... I have never felt like a “good mom”,  not one time, even for a minute. I feel like an imposter.

CONGRATS!!! I’m so excited for you :) and good on you for trying therapy in order to work on some of the stuff that’s bothering you, because that is literally the best thing you can do to be the parent you want to be.

It’ll hit you at some point. I was the same for a very long time and then one day I knew.

I just grew into my decision. I had always expected to want kids someday. As I grew older, I wondered whether that day shouldn’t come soon? It didn’t. I demanded from myself that I make a clear decision by 35. I did, and the answer was: No, I don’t want kids. I could not do and be what is truly important to me and

So, I definitely did NOT want kids. My boyfriend at the time was on the fence, but could go either way. Accidentally got pregnant (thanks copious amounts of Vodka!) and I really tried to have an abortion. My southern Baptist upbringing kept rearing its head and I couldn’t get through the mandatory consult without

Easy, if you’re not sure, don’t have them. Being a parent is not something you can do half-heartedly and there are no backsies. My parents had me because social conventions say you should have kids when you marry and it has had a negative impact on a myriad of aspects of my life. I have friends with kids who do

My husband and I were on the fence until we thought I was pregnant. That’s when we realized there was no way in hell we wanted kids (too expensive, climate change, shitty public education system and we can’t afford anything better, Trump, etc.) We’ve made our choice to be childfree and we haven’t looked back since.

I’ve always felt somewhat ambivalent about having kids. I chalk it up to having a pretty miserable childhood and not feeling confident enough that I can prevent the cycle from repeating. However, my husband was always sure he wanted kids, and his positivity outweighed my ambivalence. Also, things finally fell into