
Yeah this really is the perfect response. And I do happen to have a family member near-ish to our city, so it technically could be true.

This is perfect and so simple!

I’ve never been to a baby shower, but a practical item from the registry and a toy from somewhere else sounds perfect to me! Baby toys are a gift category that (I would think) most people would love to get something surprising that they might not have discovered on their own.

Hi Jezzies! I have a question about job searching.

I have no idea how I missed this comment until just now, so I’m sorry for the 2-month delay, lol – But we went to Iceland in August! It was great because that time of year is pretty much 24-hour daylight (the hotel rooms had really good blackout curtains when it came time to sleep). But it was definitely still chilly

I know, right?! Especially since contraception is so widely available to everyone, doesn’t cause medical complications for anyone, and never ever fails!

Why does the baby get his last name? Same with Kylie’s baby. And Kourtney’s kids, for that matter. I don’t really care about them being married or not – I just don’t get why they seem to automatically go with the guy’s last name, especially when the Kardashian name surely has more branding potential? This genuinely

Totally agree. One frustrating thing that seems to be evolving in the last couple years is that they started focusing on the “human rights” angle and slowly pushing the blatantly religious reasoning to the side. It’s annoyingly transparent because it’s still the same evangelical crowd but they’re now pretending their

*Yawn* wake me when these hypocrites actually give a fuck about supporting policies that could lead to an overall reduction in unwanted pregnancies, such as comprehensive sex education. Or more broadly, supporting policies that address the socioeconomic complexities of why a woman and her family might be less likely

So according to the GOP, mass shooters aren’t deterred by laws but they are deterred by armed teachers?

How depraved do you have to be to believe something like this? How utterly weak are your convictions that instead of engaging with reality and presenting real arguments, you have to convince yourself that *sticks fingers in ears* “La la la la la la none of this is real it’s all fake la la la la la la”.

I went a couple years ago and it was incredible! My absolute favorite thing we did that I recommend to everyone is snorkeling between the tectonic plates at Thingvellir National Park. It was actually way more colorful under the water than I expected. I also really loved the Blue Lagoon, even as touristy as it is. We

Anyone up for a beauty thread? I know there’s usually one on SNS, so figured I’d start it.

So what’s your solution? Seriously, what do you want to do about mass shootings? If you don’t think gun control works, do you have any other suggestions or ideas?

Can’t wait to stash these “low-crunch” chips in my purse with my Bic for Her (TM) pens! Nothing ruins a good chip more than crunchiness.

I miss old Jez too! Remember disemvoweling? It was fun to try to figure out what the comment said, lol.

Agreed 100%. Like I understand that anxiety makes things difficult. I have anxiety myself. But you can’t agree to be heavily advertised/promoted as the headliner of an event when you have no intention of fully participating in it. She was literally on the stage for about 2 minutes of the (2-hour!) main show. And that

Yeah it’s disturbing how much kids blindly idolize these online celebrities! They literally can do no wrong in their eyes. I just hope that parents are paying attention to these various controversies so they’ll at least be a little more reluctant to buy this overpriced crap for birthdays and holidays.

Not only that – She’s also gotten heat in the last couple days after some of her old offensive tweets were discovered: