
As much as it was a nice story, Pochettino and Kane staying at Tottenham was a mistake on their part. I, of course, don’t know what motivated them to stay, but they’ve overplayed whatever hand they had. RM will likely cool on both of them after this season.

“Dink and Doink” is my favorite offensive scheme.

The constant through ball game is effective against really crappy back lines. Spain nullified that with a simple offsides press and some aggressive tackles. The US needed to move the ball more laterally in response to Spain's tactics. 

Nope. Not every comment on DS is a joke.

Once again, I’d like to thank Ms. Moskovitz and Ms. Lieberman for the excellent reporting.

Close. Thai Green Curry is the best Curry.

There is an entire Sirius station dedicated to golf... And it does quite well. 

That before like occurred when they were 8 years old. Good luck.

Except a black D lineman is A-OK. The idea of the QB is completely different. What if he doesn’t act with the level of “class” needed for a franchise with the prestige of the Giants? Remember that Eli not only stumbled into 2 defense led Super Bowl wins, he more importantly spoke in a respectful manner to the media.

Do you have experience with a race car either losing ignition or fuel while at full throttle? It is damn near like a brake check in a street car.

Plenty of places to go? Not that Dirk did it intentionally, but he was basically brake checked. You have to follow that closely to pass and it is the responsibility of the car in front to keep pace. The Ford lost power right at the point where both cars should have been full throttle.

First PER doesn’t favor volume shooters, it exposes them. Guys like Pierce, Kobe and Melo were inefficient. It is the most important measure of a player. Guys like Jordan, LeBron, Curry, KD, Shaq etc all had high PERs. It exposes the volume shooters.

Of course, Marlboro and Phillip Morris completely disagreed with your assertion and knew quite well how effective advertising in general and specifically in motorsports was. I’ll believe the money they spent is adequate evidence. Who would know better?

I just have to say that Son is one of those players that is a joy to watch. He doesn’t score in huge quantities, but his goals tend to be quite timely.

I have no interest in defending Kraft nor do I think he should have protection from the sunshine laws, but this does seem to be pretty heavy on shaming Johns and very little to do with trafficking.

Actually the missed dunk occurred after getting chewed out.

I believe he is English. 

I still maintain that someone within the Giants organization, combined with what seems like their entire fanbase is more concerned with holding onto the idea that their two Eli super bowl wins were not complete flukes.

My recollection was that, until seeing the Chapelle skit, I had little knowledge of R. Kelly’s behavior. Now maybe many others knew about this stuff, but I’m not into following the details of celebrities’ lives. I wasn’t huge R. Kelly fan.

LaVar Ball deserves tremendous credit. I can’t recall another father hyping his son from a 15-25 pick all the way up to the 2nd pick. To all that said LaVar was a fool, I believe he is getting the last laugh. His appearances on First Take will pay out to about $4m/yr over the first two rookie years (~$6m/yr for 2nd