
They all can leave anytime they want go back to their home nation

funny no one ever mentions that fact...they can leave and stay by CHOICE

the only ‘concentration camps’ in world history that have willing people lining up to get in!

YOU are NOT in a “””””concentration camp”””” OR a PRISONER....when you can choose

They all can leave anytime they want go back to their home nation

funny no one ever mentions that fact...they can leave and stay by CHOICE

the only ‘concentration camps’ in world history that have willing people lining up to get in!

YOU are NOT in a “””””concentration camp”””” OR a PRISONER....when you can choose

let me guess??
she will really be what used to be a HE....but is still gay and a lezbo and a transgender or is that a trans-FISH at the same time?
and why did they not pick an asian? or a latino? or all three or four?

I think a citizenship question is you belong to THIS nation or another and are you here LEGALLY!

actually the nation already did when Hilary lost ...large part of the nation became unhinged that the ‘queen’ did not get crowned and now we have blown 30 million investigating nothing and will keep trying ‘for a redo’ for the next 2 years

They all can leave anytime they want go back to their home nation

funny no one ever mentions that fact...they can leave and stay by CHOICE

the only ‘concentration camps’ in world history that have willing people lining up to get in!

YOU are NOT in a “””””concentration camp”””” OR a PRISONER....when you can choose

yep ANTIFA surely will be violent --always are

I agree--anywhere ANTIFA goes they wreck the place and try to kill people!

ohh that hurt soy go buy some skinny jeans and shave

so??? are you threatening her now becuse you don’t like her views???

Wow Molly —-you have sunk to that lvl just calling anyone you don’t like a ‘slut’ now??
how teenager bitch of you or jawbreaker!

Yep....far less snowflakes in the south!

I hope the man billed the family---I would

yep loads of poverty IN DEM RUN STATES like califomia....funny how all the HIGH taxes there don’t fix that shit???

They all can leave anytime they want go back to their home nation

funny no one ever mentions that fact...they can leave and stay by CHOICE

the only ‘concentration camps’ in world history that have willing people lining up to get in!

YOU are NOT in a “””””concentration camp”””” OR a PRISONER....when you can choose

Fine...set the bail at 1,000,000$$$ per just in case we have to come get ya!

Noted===Anne is just fine with assault on her person as long as its a vegan milkshake

because companies if they listened to ‘woke’ would go ‘broke’!!!!!!!!!!

yep Nike a brand ‘woke’ about slavery....pull the other leg now with all their slave camp ‘factories’ all over the globe and ya’ll know it and still wear it!

Really??? Jay you are that DUMB
You grab a cops gun, while trying to drive away with him in your door and you blame the cop when the guy or you gets a CAP busted in his/your ass...he asked for it!

all he had to do was stay calm, but NOOOOO he knew he was heading to jail for fucking up....its simple just don’t smoke pot