kiss your ability to get unemployment GOODBYE!
kiss your ability to get unemployment GOODBYE!
bye Ya’ll and dont expect to use netflix as a reference!
1st AMD all day ya babies, netflix has the right to the show and you all have to right to walk and whine for ZERO $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
can well all seize your shit when you do something WE all don’t like too!
just admit to yourselves ALREADY
Michael Harriot...fuck you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I bet I can guess their rely to your thinly veiled threat...bring it soy boi!
and I agree do the thousands of BLM (burn loot murder) ‘protesters’ that did the same thing
I hope the truck is not damaged too bad and will be fixed quickly!
yep they do
about 15% of the population does OVER 50% of the crime...hint its not the GOP!
“If you don’t DO as I say, you are not black enough.”
old sleepy joey biden...insulting a whole race
got more BRASS balls than you and your whole family to stand up to bullying
“And I’m all for talk of the camps for the unvaxxed.”
your personal HITLER moment....whats next little UN-vaxxed stars on their clothes?
“”Nicki Minaj basically says that Black people are expected to do as the Left and Democrats say or else and....
“”So crazy how white liberals pick and choose when black women lives matter, when you want an abortion, it matters l, when it’s time vote, it matters. But let you question a vaccine, no no no, now that’s a little too far.””
cali is dooooommmeedd!
if you voted YES on the recall===you are still sane and should leave the state as fast as possible!