Do people really think they can protest their employer and blast them in the press and not get fired? Is this a commonly-held belief? I mean protest all you want but clean out your desk before you do because you aren’t long for that job.
Do people really think they can protest their employer and blast them in the press and not get fired? Is this a commonly-held belief? I mean protest all you want but clean out your desk before you do because you aren’t long for that job.
she was fired for leaking internal documents, funny how this article conveniently leaves out that little detail.
Weren’t a lot of famous criminals caught when they were pulled over and then were driving a stolen car, were wanted, had a body, or just plain freaked the fuck out and started shooting? Of course, this is prosecutorial discretion, so I guess an exception would be made if the felony from the stop actually is pulling a…
You should make money, and spend it however you want to. It’s amazing how that works.
What’re you some kinda commie???
helping to secure our nation against foreign invaders is a noble endeavor
It’s a lot easier to write this than give one good reason why Buckhead should remain as a part of Atlanta.
Funny you forgot to mention that persecutors claim he hit the police with his car. I haven’t see the video so I don’t know and people do lie. With all these killings why don’t we reinforce the act of compliance. Comply. Comply. Comply. I also understand brother had his hands visible on the steering wheel. Sounds like…
This is a local man’s surveillance. It appears there is much body camera footage so we don’t have to guess soon at what the cops said. This was no accidental shooting, this wasn’t the cops shooting the big hearing impaired black kid who was the victim because they were racist (yes that’s real).
(at 19:27) Mayor Bottoms stands at the podium.
According to law enforcement he actually was a customer of these 3 locations. If he was a customer of the strip club, then he probably would have shot that up instead. There are plenty enough of news stories where race is a critical part of the story. There is not a need to try to put the race spin on everything that…
What is B.S.? He says he killed them because of “temptation” That is certainly misogyny, but not racism. The desire to equate all actions of white people as being as a result of white supremacy, whereas every other person in the universe actually can act for themselves with their own agency is a weird branch of…
Hate to break the spell, but it appears the race of the murdered victims was not a motive. But I am sure it makes you feel good to think otherwise.
Have you seen the videos of BLM protestors behaving like Hitler’s brownshirts?
Just a reminder that the Proud Boys haven’t killed a single black person, but BLM protestors have killed many including a child. So who are the real terrorists?
Sorry dude. The civil war was not about slavery. The freeing of slaves was a threat and weapon the north used against the south during the civil war, but the real reason for the civil war was that the south wasn’t fed up with the north controlling everything when the south was increasing in economic power from…
TBF every publicly known BLM mural vandal has gotten charges.
zenneth, I don’t even know what you mean but I can assure you, I have no lane and no fear of attack.
Love it! She steals personal property and guy tries to take it back and you spin it as trump supporter attacks!