thank god she is too young...because that is the dumbest Idea I heard all decade
thank god she is too young...because that is the dumbest Idea I heard all decade
They all can leave anytime they want go back to their home nation
funny no one ever mentions that fact...they can leave and stay by CHOICE
the only ‘concentration camps’ in world history that have willing people lining up to get in!
YOU are NOT in a “””””concentration camp”””” OR a PRISONER....when you can choose…
The fact don’t change —so why post something different
It’s reall sad that you can’t see that or research the facts yourself and even sadder that you have to lower yourself to name calling like a 3 yo
doing that does not really help your side’s case for showing any sanity
AKA the parents can sign a waver and leave to go…
I beg to differ
the WHOLE DNC raising it hand to give illegal aliens health care before American citizens=traitors! AND MORE EMBARRASSING!
They all can leave anytime they want go back to their home nation
funny no one ever mentions that fact...they can leave and stay by CHOICE
the only ‘concentration camps’ in world history that have willing people lining up to get in!
YOU are NOT in a “””””concentration camp”””” OR a PRISONER....when you can choose…
still facts, mom or dad can sign away and they all go home
They all can leave anytime they want go back to their home nation
funny no one ever mentions that fact...they can leave and stay by CHOICE
the only ‘concentration camps’ in world history that have willing people lining up to get in!
YOU are NOT in a…
sad....if they only knew its not unicorns and fluffy bunnies
commies have killed far more people than Hitler ever did by a factor of at least 20
do you understand what sarcasm is and seeing a devoted ‘commie’ have a capitalistic ad driven show is funny as all heck!
Well ALL white rule is what made this country great—-go look at the rest of the world and see what ya get
many nations in africa=once you switched to black ruled...the whites left and the nation crumbled, could not even farm land right and had to BEG the whites to come back and take back over or starve!
whatever babe—-you are going to jail REAL soon for marrage fraud.....then get deported!
Commie Bernie is not paying for all of it out of HIS pocket?
Do tell, the man has yet to meet another pocket he did not dig into, never his own, always someone else's and then is hawking stuff in a capitalistic manner? REALLY!!
FACT: the family can leave detention at anytime by giving up the right to trial or judgment and go back home 24hrs a day 7 days a week
all the parent has to do is sign and the family can walk back home that day
FACT: they choose to break the one was kidnapped or was taken in unwillingly...they can leave at…
if you think that is bad.....NYPD is the ONLY PD in the whole wide world to issue NON factory standard Glocks...the change....the trigger springs are heavier to keep their untrained masses from blowing off their own legs!
their parents dragged them there as pawns to get into the US and as a family they can leave anytime they want to,.....tell me those are not FACTS
ALL 100% the parents fault
nope....and they would light you up with bullets so fast it would be epic
For less than 5% of the USA population....I am SO FUCKING sick of hearing about LGBQT%&*#@! what haveya in every tv show and movie....look at the CW an supergirl...half the cast is LGBQGT##$%^&&#@ or whatever GAY.
it’s got so bad that every new season of TV is now “guess the gay actor” game now for each now or old…
I’ll wait for the DNA test telling us what percentage of candidate or commie she is