Harris will self destruct once all the skeletons in her closet are shoved into the light
Harris will self destruct once all the skeletons in her closet are shoved into the light
THANK GOD!!!!!!!!!!!
good bye big miss...black voter suppression ...........EVEN though you GOT 85,000 MORE VOTES THAN even Hitlary got in 2016...a PRESIDENTIAL RACE YEAR....
but try to explain LOGICAL counting and LOGICAL numbers to a crazy lefty lib....
like you even own one square foot of the US....LOL
Jay Connor...ahh you do know that IS the 1st amd in action and as a ‘writer’ I kind of expected you to ‘know’ or ‘understand’ that amendment....
that’s the funniest shit I have seen all month—-but now that its fixed...without ‘taggin’ all over it ====looks out of place!
man that black cop ran away shooting wildly, like a kid running from mama at KMart that was about to BEAT his ass!
yep and I’d bet the cops FEAR even getting close to the MS13 gangs because the media would call them racists for arresting DACA kids
and MS13 has WAY fucking more guns and bombs than that...the Aryans need to up their game
yep assaulting someone is the best way to get your point across...until they stab you in the heart or you get arrested for being an even bigger asshole
“I’ll take ...yet another kid off their meds for 1000$ Alex!”
well we can tell that you know nothing about guns....
just so you know...the NYPD issues the ONLY Glocks in the WHOLE world with very heavy trigger springs so they don’t have to really teach the cops how to actually shoot...its a ‘so called’ safty issue that a heavy trigger makes the guns safer
but in reality it makes…
Cops fucked up --now city...hand over the millions$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
kid should have gone for the simple fix
go back in time and explain that....NYPD..DON’T MOVE!
means freeze YO AZZZ! don’t get out the cell phone...don’t get all crazy...just act like a statue and sue later if your rights WERE REALLY violated?
let me guess—you still believe that OJ did not do it and you hope each year for visits by Santa and the Easter bunny????
makes sense —-lets take away EVEN MORE MONEY from those who FOLLOWED the law and WANT COLLEGE????
Ohhh i see it now...demORAT sponsored or AKA we have unlimited TAXpayer money to burn
damn...DA rootify is nearly a YEAR late to the party? or its a slow sunday and not reporting or under-reporting the bombings in India is good enough
well just proves a fact....you move a hoodrat out of DA’hood
but you can’t take the ‘Hood’ mentality out of one!
you all WISH you were that rich and powerful!
DA root cares that a ‘white’ kid might live? Normally on here you want ‘colonizers’ or whityes’ to die? so they don’t grow up to become pig cops??
you all got a heart or what???
it sure an’t being WOKE
in San Francisco...he’d get nothing and be shown to a homeless shelter at best
ahhh a city run by Brainless Dems and left wing libs
and when the cops get there...the assaulter goes to jail, then gets sued and looses
the shitter...gets a ticket