ahhh USC is not taxpayer funded.....just saying
ahhh USC is not taxpayer funded.....just saying
you know there is a reason why they call modern housing developments ‘cookie cutter’??????
Winner --dumbest post of the year 2019 so far Gizmodo group
Russell Westbrook...sit your overpaid black ass down---you AN’t do nuttn!
Please.....blacks could do this too---if there were any rich blacks with brains???
so ICE has been around for 16 years??
then why no whining and crying ALL that time under Odumbutt for its end???
Ohhh it was not doing its job (by prez orders) and now ICE is sending assholes home and you all don’t like that....LOL
Like the lefty libs love troops???——ahhh the Oscars totally skipped adding the death of the BIGGEST rep for the USMC in the yearly tribute to the fallen of the year...R Lee Ermey...AKA THE Gunny!
somebody is a moron!!!!!!!!!!!!
Breanna—-what a lie you posted as CLICK BAIT...he was JAILED for accomplice to ARMED ROBBERY...dumbass!
So it comes down to —if you had the money you too TOM could have had a pic and like that is proof (only in your silly mind) that trump goes to her biz??
Moronic... TOM...moronic
Well considering what AOC says about taxes...he got most of what the DNC really is about NOW....take money from the rich and give to the VOTERS for VOTES!
Instead of actually FIXING the issue...get all the illegal aliens out of the system of taking money under the table and NOT paying into TAXE$$$$ and the US would…
awww the poor DNC does not like eating its own according to the RULES the DNC set-up....is the DNC’s tummy upset???
Stop that logical argument stuff...it hurts
shhhush you are making logical sense and the writer of this story is just trying to make up SHIT!
way to keep the psycho ex girlfriend stereotype going
FUCK that ‘school zone “ crap...how is the car going to know when the rug-munchers are off and what schools are closed for months???
Good! for the district making her take it down...teachers should TEACH not implant thier ideas of the world on or IN others kids....black history month is one PROUD thing to teach the history of... KersnaperDik is something else!