askify yourself this
if this had been done by a black person or POC?
would it still be on this blog?
if no....then why is it here?
ohhh! to bitch and whine about some small slight....
yep—-low info DNC voter right here...wrong on at least 2 points!
immigrant =nope
Yep the GOP is transfixed by her...because its so watching a train wreck in slow mo!
the great hope of the DNC, is an EX socialist bar tender that can’t even count even WITH a economics degree?
sorry your side lost ----get over it already
if you want info on how the air force and its idea was received?
Read history Billy Mitchell trial and how he was run over with a TANK because the army air corp did not want to show up the navy and piss it off by BLASTING a ww1 battleship out of the water with a bomb and show JUST HOW utterly useless that ship had…
Please don’t vote for her ‘just because she is black’ ...she failed in cali and still is!
she changes her platform or standing by the week and which way the ‘media wind’ blows!
the Dress was sponsored by Gillette!
The Oscar’s
Where millionaire Movie Stars Arrive in Limos.
Wear designer dresses and Tux.
Have their pictures taken with adoring fans.
then add no one really said how its going to get power...because wind and solar is not going to cut it without storage ( that has yet to be invented on mass...aka a tesla batt will not cut it!) for those non windy ...non sunny days or weeks??
what some don’t understand or fail to note——if you make over 5 million per year and get taxed 80%
YOU WILL MOVE OUT to some place that does NOT tax 80%.....
Shhhhh stop asking about pesky facts—-it hurts
sure if you would like to learn Chinese.....
Don’t forget to sign up....before the biscuit wheels fall off the gravytrain!
all I can say is this.....don’t like America, the USA....then Africa is that way>>>>>>>>>>>>>
good luck
You say Trump is a Russian puppet or ‘in league’ with them?
hummm lets list off the ways Trump has supported Russia?
went to NATO and drove them to invest more money on defense...a
defense that will or is set to KILL Russians if there is a war and
Told Germany’s Merkel to STOP buying Russian…
LOL you posted a ‘da-root’ link as a fact......ROTFLMAO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Good old DNC promising ‘free shit’ for votes....when are dem voters going to grow a brain?
Humm lets do the math on slave of the past might have over a 1000 decendants by now!
so divide up the cash over 1000 kids then subtract ANY govenment assistance the family got over the last 150 years (food stamps, welfare, college JAIL TIME) and bingo.....900 people owe the US government money!
stealing is stealing --breaking in to a room is breaking into a room!...its not yours’ so leave it alone!