You damn people and your casual sarcasm! Can we not take a moment to recognize that Bruce Wayne has a swole pole! Barry Bonds couldn’t swing that stick!
You damn people and your casual sarcasm! Can we not take a moment to recognize that Bruce Wayne has a swole pole! Barry Bonds couldn’t swing that stick!
Traditionally Dick didn’t wear a cowl, just a mask covering his eyes.
“Batman takes off his costume...”
Shouldn’t it have a cowl?
Shut the fuck up
those impatient enough to say, “Fuck it, just tell me how it ends.”
“save scum your babies”
I’m of Indian descent (descending from *ahem* actual India), a self-proclaimed otaku and fan of cosplay. As such, I have contemplated the disparity between my skin color and common character shapes, sizes, colors, etc.
Wow, a thoughtful, concise comment. By all means, comment more! Thanks for your response. You seem to at least notice and acknowledge the ‘racism’ and stereotypes in this comic are attempts at creating a dialog in the audience/readers with themselves, as opposed to just literal racist stereotypes used by a lazy…
...with Elite Daily as a close, close second
While I agree those people exist, that doesn’t make it a Christianity thing necessarily. There are arguably way more members of the various “Christian” faiths (Catholocism, Lutheranism, Christian, etc.) who are not bigots or racists, they are just not vocal about it. Oftentimes the worst of any group are the loudest…
I enjoyed the shit out of this movie. You really need to stop taking comic movies so seriously. This is honestly sad. This backlash. I’ve never seen a bunch of manchildren lash out like this before. TDKR was worse than this. First Class was worse than this. Age of Ultron was worse than this.
When did Batman murder anyone (other than in the weird dream sequence that should have been cut, despite it making me want to see the post apocalyptic Batman movie it was pulled from)?
I guess I’m an idiot based on everyone’s reaction to this movie, but I liked it. Sure there were holes, but I don’t think you really pointed out good ones. Lex knew both secret identities because he had been researching meta-humans and he had dedicated plenty of time and resources to finding meta-humans. There is a…
That’s not what she’s doing any more than like Pauline Kael or Roger Ebert were telling film makers how to make movies.
I think a fragment of the population that never even read a comic in their life suddenly watching Teen Titans cartoons gets the wrong idea on how the Titans should really be. Then they come whining about how Starfire should act (there is a differet set of morals from the people of her planet than the simpleton savages…
Nah. In Red Hood she was the tough one on the team. The one moment that has everyone going crazy also actively mocked the male gaze via that horny young boy, that, in turn, was actually the basis for someone finding Starfire and thus the first attempt at her own personalized arc in Red Hood (it sucked, but the…