
I don’t think Doomsday Clock was advertised as a sequel to Watchmen. It was advertised as bringing the Watchmen characters into the fold and the instigating factor for Rebirth.

Meh. I like Planetary but The Authority holds a special place in my heart. It has one of my favorite pages in all of comics. 

I want to say I have standards, principles, morals and that I wouldn’t sacrifice them but I’d be lying. I’d throw what little I have into the gutter for this. 

I was thinking mostly Ellis/Hitch but I’d give Millar the whole freaking planet if I got a live action Authority out of it. 

This really should have been The Authority. 

I am honestly really excited for BoP but is it bad that I think he’ll do such a good job as Black Mask that I’m bummed they’re wasting him on a BoP movie instead of doing a live action Under the Red Hood?

I actually like this cowl look better than the mask thing she wears in the comics. I like the ears better than whatever you call the points she has in the comics (I call them bat-brows because I’m clever like that).

Oh for fucks sake DC. I saw NO actual outrage. Just a bunch of jokes. If you can’t take a dick joke then what even made you think you could handle an imprint specifically designed for mature readers?

I know. That was my point. The article says Donna.

Actually, Crush is totally a perfect combination of the two. My new headcanon is that Lobo 1 and Lobo 2 are her dads.

Looks to me like that’s Cassie’s Wonder Girl in the image, not Donna’s....

Aaand now I’m shipping Pre-Flashpoint metalhead Lobo with New 52 Twink Lobo.

Shiro absolutely should be the Black Lion. The whole reason Zarkon was able to control the Black Lion from so far and almost steal it from Shiro in the beginning is because his connection to it was stronger. Shiro’s soul or whatever living in Black for whatever time span those four seasons are (which I have a problem

Wait... Breyfogle died? I follow exclusively comics people on Twitter and I missed this somehow? Damn. His and Aparo’s are my favorite classic Batmans (Batmen?). How sad.

Dude’s cut and hung. Just the way I like it.


Regarding the title of this article... I don’t know, I find it very interesting...

How does that work? It just came out today. I got mine today. Mine is uncensored...

Longer even. Since the 40's.

Well, they did show it three times in the one issue.

Creators for Batman vol. 3 #20.